Feared Polio Outbreak Leads to All Kids Under 5 Years to Get Vaccinated|Nephew's Experience - DLIVE #34!!


A few days back, a strange strand of polio was discovered in a sewage in Nairobi,Kenya which led to an immdeiate cause of action to have all kids under 5 years Re-vaccinated.

In this video, I share with you how that has affected Us as a country and the impact it has had W.H.O bestow upon us. Also, you will notice the vaccinations are done Door-to-Door which gave me an opportunity to document my nephew's experience. It is actually a very fast process that takes less than 2 mins (if the kid is cooperative as my nephew :D)

Enjoy & Do Share your Sentiments!

Lots of Love to Everyone who's been very supportive of me. I am very thankful and you make this girl to keep going.

Good Night xo

See you on the next Vlog




My video is at DLive

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