Introducing DLiveCurator!


What is up my dudes!

My name is Stuart- dlive enthusiast, daily streamer, and exuberant upvote smasher.

In my time on DLive I have received nothing but love from the DLive staff and my fellow streamers. I have always wanted to give back, though I have never been certain of the best way to do it.

DLive, in nearly every way, has the means and potential to produce the largest influx of newcomers to the steem blockchain. Live video content has slowly become one of the biggest products of the internet- while once limited to gaming, livestreaming has now invaded nearly every mainstream social media platform. The DLive platform has nearly all the ingredients for mainstream success, though it is slightly lacking in it's ability to effectively curate popular content.

For the average user DLive has more than enough of a monetary incentive to produce content, but for a more popular content creator the ~$300 max payout is not quite enough. As a point of reference, a youtuber can expect between ~$500 to ~$2000 for a monetized video with 1,000,000 views. Until steem breaches $4 again, DLive will not be able to break the $500 threshold. I am a strong advocate for increasing DLive's delegation, though DLive will always need more curators regardless!

Fortunately for me I am OBSESSED with DLive, and find myself constantly searching for new streamers to interact with and upvote. Why not create an account to do just that and set some goals for myself?

So what is the goal?

I have set a personal goal to upvote 20 unique streams every day. I also intend on being completely unbiased.

What makes DLiveCurator unique?

There are no catches to DLiveCurator. There is no discord, no tag, nothing! I am just a dude looking to curate good content.

What can you do to help?

I would greatly appreciate anyone who delegates to DLiveCurator! Either way I will continue to invest in the account myself.
I am not sure how to give back to delegators, as all proceeds from this account will be reinvested in to itself. If anyone has any ideas let me know! Thanks so much to anyone who delegates!


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