Update | v0.3.0: Performance improvements and bug fixes


Hello Dlivers,

We hope you are all enjoying your time browsing or streaming on DLive!
We are proud to announce a new update to our platform that will improve the overall user experience drastically. Our most notorious bug where live streams would disappear off of the front page has been fixed.

The full list of changes to our platform is below.

  • “Live stream disappearing bug” fixed
  • All livestreams now autosave on user’s personal profile page
  • Overall site performance, DLive is 50% faster than before
  • Fixed the bug “When click on [Submit] it says [Please wait for video uploading]”
  • Added a button to allow users to switch accounts in the [Setting] page
  • You will now return to the page previously visited after logging in
  • Added a Help Center on the top menu bar
  • Increased the limit of video file size to 2GB when uploading
  • Added emoji function in stream’s chat box
  • Enabled search function
  • Changed the url of the user profile to dlive.io/#/@username
  • Enabled users to open videos and menu items by right-clicking into a new tab
  • Added [Sign up] button on the website

We hope you all enjoy the increased functionality of DLive and we look forward to further feedback from our community for future changes!

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