My Message To DLive As They Move Away From Steem

I heard about the fact that DLive is teaming up with a new blockchain and migrating away from Steem a day or so ago, when this article came out:

I commented the following message on the article above, a little bummed that they're leaving, but not really sweating it at all. They are a pretty great platform, but Steem is far greater than they are and their Exodus, by my prediction, will be really detrimental to them in the long run. I wish them the best, but I really think this was a bad move on their part.

"Best of luck to you guys, but you really should have held out for Smart Media Tokens (6 months and counting for main net); Steemit's large user base in addition to the flexibility that SMTs will allow for solving the issues that you mention (such as cohorts/large holders upvoting themselves and each other) will leave Lino in the dust most likely (there's really not much different, having looked at the whitepaper - it's just another attempt at steemit with hopes it can do it better). This looks like a 'pay off'/'buy out', no offense. Did the team receive a lot of Lino? If so, how much? Was it a public announcement? I, of course, believe in being paid well for a great product, which you have, but it's important to be transparent if you're going to preach decentralization to any degree (The D in DLive).

Lino Tenets, all of which are already included in Steemit or very soon on their way:

proof of transactions, thousands of transactions per second, native currency, infrastructure auction system (not much different than witness voting)

Only 'proof of human engagement' and 'proof of content value' are things that have proven hard to implement (enter SMTs, Communities, and additional Monitoring DApps that are emerging), but Lino will do no better, I would wager. According to then, so far, "On an advanced level, it functions as a decentralized version of Google reCAPTCHA." they essentially are doing a reCAPTCHA - nothing really advanced about that). Re' proof of content value', they point out "stake-based censorship, penalty scores, freeze periods, and consumption friction rates", on Steemit there are already spam bot downvoters, resource credits will help create penalties for spammers, etc.

You'll have people who try to chase the 'next big coin'/jump on the bandwagon though of course.

A good fact about Lino, I do have to agree, is ability to be rewarded after 7 days, but that is also on the roadmap for Steemit/will be manageable with SMTs.

Just my two cents on the matter, admitting that I love Steemit. I guess we'll see, but thanks for your contributions to the Blockchain Community/Movement as a whole and again, best of luck! DLive is great! :)"

They have been a great platform, but Lino will be left in the dust as long as a successful implementation and lifecycle of Smart Media Tokens occurs, which I have faith in, since I believe in the Teams working on them. Steem is and will remain THE Social Media Blockchain. That will not change, no matter how many copycats try to emerge. We are on the road to greatness. By 2020, those who Hodl and accumulate will likely be very happy people.


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