My silence is my way of looking after you #part 2


this time I will share with you dope and community members how to fill someone's heart when he wants to keep his lover but he can only keep it in silence.

in english langguage :

My silence is my way of looking after you ~

You're too beautiful
Until my text is no longer able to say the best word that can describe you
You're too perfect
Until I can not afford to go any further to dream
You're too good
Until I keep my steps behind you and I can only see you from behind

You're too far away, that's why I'm ... silent
Silence in my private space
Saying a burden and hope written in the scratches of my head
My wish is simple
I want you to be happy
I want you more than what you have now
And I, want to take care of you
In every step you take, I am there
The way I look after you is in my silence
Because I know, keeping is for someone to stay comfortable
I'm silent, because I want you to stay comfortable
I wish there was one blow I have not got from you in my life

I want to be entitled to exist
To the extent that when you are injured, I become a big tree for you
Be your seat, calm and soothing
Maybe this is my destiny, piercing my impossible longing
Hug you with a different warmth
My eye rays and you are different
Do not you realize that?
Do not you see there is a pen in my eyes that I want to write in your memory?
I will always be, and remain in my heart, my tears, and in my memory


My video is at DLive

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