How I Used Machine Learning to Inspire Physical Paintings


Since I was 15 years old, I have been painting graffiti under bridges and in abandoned buildings. I grew up in San Francisco when street art was booming, and inspired by the colors and aesthetic, I looked for ways to create art and taught myself to paint. As I got older, I discovered the graffiti communities on Flickr, and began making an effort to meet artists where I lived and share photos of my work online. As Tumblr grew in popularity, the community moved. Then Instagram emerged, and the community moved again.


Last year, I started experimenting even more with digitally manipulated images, and their role in inspiring physical paintings. I began creating aesthetically beautiful images by taking classic paintings from the 18th and 19th century and running various photoshop filters over them. I found the color and contrast from these old paintings to be unmatched and beautiful.

I took the digital pieces I created and used them as the inspiration for painting new pieces by the classical paintings on a computer and then physically painting the remixed image.

Don't expect anything mind blowing. It's interesting and I personally view AI as something that can aid creativity. think about what technology has done to art. Here is a piece of original art I made for @akibasteem contest on October that barely took me any time or effort. i just had a nice idea and I executed it with the help of technology. 



Imagine doing that by hand and all that extra work amount to zero added creativity. AI can take this to the next level. 

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