The Art of Staring Into Space

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I'm probably spreading laziness porn on STEEM. But I find it hard to ignore something that has had a genuine impact for me. In some ways these gazing into the space has saved me. It has guided me away from mental suffering. It as allowed me to understand the world better on a more macro level. I never left the practice and the benefits didn't left me.

We spend our days putting things into our minds. We imagine the mind as a huge, elastic container into which we have to cram as much as possible. We hope that by cramming all this stuff in, we will become knowledgeable and wise. At least, this is what our teachers told us. This is why they told me it was important that I stop staring out of the window, and focus instead on drawing diagrams of blast furnaces and benzene rings. Of course, I’m thankful for some of what I learned at school. It’s useful to know things. And it’s fun, too. But there is a big problem with this feverish quest for knowing stuff: there’s never any end to it.

These days AI is going to be able to take care of many of the stuff school trained us for anyways. This is an age where true creativity can shine with the new tech and the creativity is in short supply. Be creative my friend!

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