Some people are dumber than worms in the rain.


Novak Djokovic has refused to get the Covid “vaccination” which was urged upon him by a great big giant that blots out the sky but which remains invisible to everybody dumb enough to believe the news reports out of what passes for the news media of record here in Canada. Right now in Canada those of us Canadians who still remember two years ago and would like our country back and our jobs back and our police back and our laws back and our judiciary back and our freedom to live back, are involved in a fencing match with this invisible giant that never gives up lying and oppressing everybody in this country. We are just a step or two behind Australia on the road to permanent dictatorship but Canada is catching up fast.

I would like more of my fellow countryfolk to pay some attention to reality, the reality that our governments provincial and federal are at the abject service of the World Health Organization and the Global Alliance for Vaccination and Immunization which are twin bureaus based in Switzerland and headed by a CEO who is a mass-murdering terrorist. And yet “Dr” blood spattered Tedros, not in fact a doctor, is simply a functionary of Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab. Gates and Schwab are themselves functionaries of more powerful people behind them who get their profits from the injectable drugs they have bullied and/or bribed the top officials of every government on this planet to force upon their people. Their money has been enough to bribe and/or bully every elected and appointed government official in this country I used to affectionately call mine.

The government of Quebec has just declared a curfew and a lockdown of the entire province as if Canada were at war. For my money, this is a political answer to the New Brunswick government backing off on its plan to “allow” grocery chains to forbid grocery shopping privileges to people who refuse to get the Pfizer or Moderna jabs they don’t need and which in fact carry the risk of “side effects” that have killed at least 20,000 Americans (and probably closer to 2 million).

In Alberta and Ontario and BC the police are being used to illegally arrest people and harass people and in Quebec to imprison people in their own residences. The opportunity offered by Christmas and New Years Eve to punish people for having freedom and common sense was not missed by our governments. Locked down if you refuse to show proof of jab, that’s what we all are. No Christmas, no New Years Eve. No celebrations for anybody as long as unvaccinated people lurk among us, that’s what we are told by proclamation enforced by police. This is what calls itself our government now. Why don’t we just abolish the expensive and feckless parliaments, cut out the middleman, and declare Anthony Fauci our dictator for life. Why the hell not?! He already is!

Is the jab the point? Is the disease the point? None of it. Crazy me, I note that Mr Djokovic is one of a legion of people, the vast majority of the population of his country, my country, Australia, New Zealand, America – name a country! – who have had some form of a coronavirus infection or even the flu, a common cold, anything which would give a person antibodies detectible by a test and able to be called “Covid" if the medical “authorities” are allowed to be honest. The entire planet has had at least a common cold within the last ten years and so has in their bodies these antibodies which allow their bodies to do a creditable job handling any coronavirus. This is the reason why the so-called Covid so-called pandemic is so over. Nobody from Tedros to Fauci to our Canadian “Health Officers”, flunkies of Fauci, has ever said that “Covid” has ever had an average death rate greater than 0.05% and for children no more than 0.002%.

The new Omicron “mutation” gives everybody who gets it a few days of some fatigue plus a mild headache. And I do mean everybody, apparently, since it seems to be much more contagious than Delta which was milder and more contagious than Covid but not as mild and not as contagious as Omicron.

What does “contagious” mean? It means it spreads very fast, fast as a common cold almost. Yes people, the Covid, made in a lab (if it even exists as a real distinct coronavirus, this is still debatable) has been let out to play with the other coronaviruses for two years now and what happened? It’s had to adapt in order to compete and not go extinct. It’s had to get milder in order to spread itself and replicate. Delta was mild and more contagious. Omicron is mildest of all so far and even more contagious. The SARS-2 coronavirus is running as fast as it can to join the ranks of the rest of the coronavirus community and become another common cold. Why? Because that’s what coronaviruses do in nature.

Novak Djokovic has had an illness labelled “Covid” and recovered so he does not want to get a jab that has disabled and killed a multitude of young professional athletes very recently as reported in the mainstream news. Heart attacks and nerve damage and strokes resulted from Pfizer's, Moderna's and Johnson&Johnson’s Covid “vaccinations”. Djokovic’s nearest rival Spanish champion, ATP world number six, and 2009 Australian Open victor Rafael Nadal has gotten the jab (lucky boy, he survived it so far) and recommends it. He also has had “Covid” after he got the jab. Most of the people now in hospital sick with “Covid” in Israel, for one example, have had at least two and even three jabs.

No, it’s not the disease and it’s not the jabs and it’s certainly not science. It’s the politics of global crime against humanity, global slavery and global "population reduction” by chemical genocide. Who are the people now dying in greater numbers? Who are the people whose deaths have now topped an extra 40% in the second and third quarters of 2021 according to the world’s top insurance corporations? These are people who have had all the “vaccines” and as a consequence have died of “Covid”, or in fact have died of the jabs – as would be obvious to anybody not hypnotized into a state of permanent stupidity.

Now the “authorities” are demanding that our little children as young as 5 or even younger be jabbed (as well as suffocated in masks). And our pregnant young mothers are also to be jabbed, despite the thousands of reports of post-jab miscarriages and still births in the USA and here.

On November 11th of this year, a Doctor Nagase came forward to report a record 13 still born births, in a 24 hour period, at BC Children’s hospital. They average 1 per month. LOOK AT THAT!!

What could possibly have changed here in Vancouver? Pregnant women are now taking the jabs and as a consequence are killing their babies in the womb? That would be in line with reports from VAERS of post-jab still births in the USA. But we up here don’t get any straight answers from the people we thought we elected to serve and protect and not kill us. You can’t even say the word “mother” in any parliament up here, let alone object to this mass forced fatal injection.

I go out to grocery shop, which I can do here even though I’m not jabbed – the BC government hasn’t forbidden me yet – and what do I see but young healthy people, college-age kids and young parents, out in the fresh air with the same masks on their faces as they have had for two years. And they mask up their little kids too. Will they allow their children to be jabbed if the authorities say they should? Would pregnant young mothers get the jab too? Sure they will! What am I supposed to say about them? I can say it because I’m not employed by the government.

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