My Latest Mixed Media Canvas Art is Ready

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In this post I want to share my latest artwork that I was able to finish while I recovered from Covid. This is a perfect example that tells us that ALWAYS something goods comes out of something bad. Just keep the faith and the positivity.

To complete the story behind the canvas: I started a few months ago and I took my time, because I work on canvases only when I am drawn to them. This way I truly enjoy my artwork. No pressure, no deadlines.

Here's how it looked like in the beginning, I wrote a post at that time to show step by step how to do it. I used all recycled materials, from the canvas itself to leftover stuff from previous projects, like cords, wooden beads and pearls, plastic, silk, glass pebbles, coffee pods, paints and lots of glue.

From left to right in the grid below:

  • the canvas was previously painted, I glued a clothline cord to outline my drawing, beads and silk leaves and flowers made out of coffee pods.
  • I painted everything teal blue.
  • I painted over many shades of blue.
  • I painted over some yellow and orange sections.
    All of these steps require time to dry. Completely.


Next steps are details, details, details. You can't rush this part either. As the matter of fact, this is the part that I like the most. This is when imagination goes wild. LOL.

My canvas has a spiritual theme, I love triads and the symbol 3, hence the Tipple Goddess, Triskelion and the Awen symbols. I added the "Eye Who Sees All" on top, and many glass eyes on the bottom, between the flowers and busches, to symbolize the realm of animals and spirits.



At one point I wasn't sure about the moons on top, debating between the white or yellow in the middle, but I decided to stick with the original triple moon concept, that is white.


I finished my canvas by gluing hundreds of pearl cabochons inside of the two crescents and lots of stars on the dark skies.


I hope you like my canvas art as much as I loved making it. I named it TRINITY.


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