I made my niece a Henry Train handbag for her birthday

My niece just turned 3 years old and is completely besotted with Thomas and Friends. She has quite the collection of little train toys and whenever I visit my sister, my niece and I play with trains. I'm usually given Percy and she is Henry. She's even named their car Spencer because it's the same silver color as the train.

Given that she now has about 10 of these trains to carry around and I had lots of green wool, I made her a handbag to carry all her trains in.
I had a rough idea of what I wanted to do and went to Pinterest for some inspiration.
Using this picture as inspiration, I started working. Ravelry

I make patterns up as I go so unfortunately I can't tell you how I did it, I can only show you photos of what I've done.

The Base.

I made the whole bag with a double thread for extra strength and so it would keep it's shape.

The face.

Checking the size and proportions.

Completed face. The eyes are crocheted half circles sewn on with black yarn.

Bag ready for the face and strap

Strap end detail


She immediately recognized it as Henry.

She put every train and a handful of books in the bag.

Happy little bag chock full of toys

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