Short progress update

I HAVENT POSTED IN NEARLY THREE WEEKS. Wow, I didn't realize it'd been that long. I've been crazy busy with the house. I think in that time there's two days I didn't go do work, and one of those days we were picking flooring.

This past weekend we started rebuilding some things. The kids rooms first because there's no plumbing there, there's good ventilation there, and those rooms aren't needed for access to the crawlspace. We'll be using them for a staging area where we store cabinets and appliances.

I don't take many pictures because we were busy busy busy. But the kitchen and dining room are de-floored except where we're storing the island at this moment. We moved it over to make more room for getting under the crawlspace.

The boys' room

Soph's room

The hallway, kids rooms on the left, bathroom on the right on the other side of the water heater closet

In the boys room, the Southeast corner of the house, the ventilation is fine and isn't an issue. The subfloor there really was mostly good, and all the joists there were good. We didn't have to replace any joists or beams there, which was a real blessing. The joist that I replaced in the master bedroom didn't need replaced, but I replaced it somewhat out of panic and mostly out of inexperience. There's still one joist in the master that needs replaced, and we can see that most of the joists in the kitchen and dining room have to go now that they're exposed. Probably the same story with the restrooms.

Sorry it's kind of an uninteresting short post. I just realized that it's been three weeks and I've been silent.

I think if we can have two more weekends like last weekend, the house will be livable again. This weekend I had my friend Sam and his friend Dan at the house on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Saturday we were joined by Luke and Jordan from the men's group. Jordan has been over a whole bunch in the last few weeks, and Luke helped with electrical work and wiring in our crawlspace fans before he had to go do a weekend side gig. Sunday Jordan brought his cousin and Brandon came with his wife and baby girl.

Lots getting done, lots going on, too much for one post because I'm saving any non-productive time for family and sleep. So rest assured, we're trucking along and there will be occasional not constant updates.

Love from Texas

Nate 💚

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