♻️♻️ Unfortunately, garbage landfills are reaching capacity on a regular basis. ♻️ ♻️

In life there is many thing that brake or get broken. 💔

It is such common behavior of people, that if something is broken you need to throw it away and immediately feel free of burden. Buy new, and live life like nothing ever happened. But what really happening with your trash, after you throw it in the bin.

With me it is a little bit different.

I love this phrase: "One man's trash is another man's treasure"

I like to take unwanted items and turn them into something valuable again.
It could be old crate that now is shelf or old toilet doors that now is table, and list goes on and on.. (i will post some of my works in future posts)

So, today`s story is about my water container, that got cracked.
Of course, I could have thrown it away like most people would do, but not me.
Noo Noooo.

Imidiatly light bulb turned "on" in my mind.

And i tought to myself, i should make "tiny cactus greenhouse" from it.

So there are some photos of making it...

Hope you enjoyed my post and please don`t throw your "old shit" immediately in the garbage bin.

Because I know for sure - there is always someone out there who will look at your 🚮 "trash" and see 👑"treasure".
Mby you too have friend like me, who can appriciate thing like this.

♻️ If you won`t recycle, we did ♻️

Hav a nice day!

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