The DIY Curse

Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today!

Don't you just hate sayings like that?! ...I certainly do!

Well, yours truly decided to do just that and finish building a new wardrobe and tall boy (for my daughter)! They were both 'flat pack' purchases which normally I don't do, (flimsy) but given that it has helped to save space, I couldn't really say no!

(Just as a side note, I'm very envious of you American & Canadian folk. You just don't know how lucky you are with your big houses. Here in the UK, space is at a premium, hence our houses tend to be small and pokey!!!)

My House (following extensive refurbishment)

Any-hoo, the older I've got, the less enthusiastic I've become about DIY. It now takes ages to get my ass into gear and attempt anything.

Also, I've let things slip. My shed and garage are very untidy - to the point where I haven't a clue where anything is. In fact, on this particular project, I actually had to use a beach pebble to tap nails in! ....and don't get me started on screw drivers and drill bits!! (I spent ages digging around to find these frickin things!!)

Why does it always happen to me?

Back to the wardrobe...

having finally built everything up, I realised that I was missing a draw slide! What's that all about? Is there a sadistic person in a factory who likes to swipe the odd bit here and there just to make people's lives a misery? Or could it just be that I'm cursed?

The finished product
..well nearly, just need to peel off the protective film on them - I'll leave that for another 'day' though!!!


Never put off tomorrow what you can get somebody else to do!

Was it worth it? Yes and no!

For my daughter and the look of delight on her face, hell yeah!!!! But for the time spent cursing and sweating?

(In future I'll try not to be so tight and just get someone else to do it instead!)

Have you had a DIY mishap? Do you loath doing DIY? if so I'd love to hear back from you!

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