The 10 Signs of Divine Love

The 10 Signs of Divine Love


We all have ideas about what Divine Love looks like, feels

like and what is considered truly by the nature of God’s

healing hands within each of our lives.

Today, I share the 10 signs of God’s true love in action as a gentle reminder,

that you are always serving God from your heart

because I got these signs by seeing God working within you.

1st Sign: Compassion-To offer a shoulder to cry on, you show the compassion of Angels. You prove that the power of the Love of God gives you the wisdom to see beyond the human frailty of personal weaknesses and see where the Divine Love of Gods words can inspire healing.

This insight allows you extend the human touch of Gods hand upon those hearts and minds who are blessed by your service within Gods work.

2nd Sign: Dedication-When you think of dedication, you may think of the power of the will to commit to a course of action. However, true dedication is rarely the force of single act or series of actions.

Dedication in God’s eyes is seen as praise in the first moments of each morning you awake from sleep.

Dedication is also the mixture of time, money, prayer partnership and a devotion to the witness of Gods blessed resurrection that has taken place within you.

Many believe attendance to events is the answer. Many believe that giving is the end all be all of securing God’s hand in our life. But the truth is that dedication begins at the moment we awaken to the reality that his truths has set us free and these same foundation stones are the keys to restoration.

3rd Sign: Gratitude-Blessed are those who demonstrate the true power of appreciation. When you express Gratitude for all things, God rewards you with more to be grateful for.

By showing Gratitude to others you bring the very essence of the loving Christ right into the heart of those God has surrounded you with.

4th Sign: Patience-The nature of the modern world is to be hurried, impatient about daily life, but the patience of God once instilled within you removes the bridges to anger, calms the lashing tongue of insensitivity and soothes the nerves of awkward anxiety.

6th Sign: Nurturing-When rising above the challenges you face the power of God’s Divine nature rescues you with an abundance of nurturing words, sudden deeds of love by others and gestures of divine intervention intertwined within every breath you take from dawn to dusk.

7th Sign: Kindness-Nothing restores the tender heart that’s been bruised than a simple act of kindness.

Words alone can bring comfort, but God stresses that the actions of those who love him easily establish them as true and divine believers. It is this distinction of genuine love that brings forth the real kindness that produces miracles in the lives of the hurting.

8th Sign: Faithfulness-The fierceness of faithfulness shows even when the smallest level of faithfulness is observed. It has an awe-inspiring result in the confidence God places in you. As God says, if you are faithful to the small things I will bestow ever greater blessings upon you.

9th Sign: Charity-To give is Divine, however, the blessings received by giving are not always centered on money.

Charity is offering a helping hand, extending needed words of support. The tithing of time is also an invaluable act of Charity. So when you give by actions of any measure, nothing escapes the watchful eyes of God and that any measure of Charity will always be remembered and rewarded by God.

Our calling is not to give to get, but by expressing an unselfish act of giving, it gives God the opportunity to return the gesture to something you need as well.

It’s God’s promise kept, that by taking one step toward him, he will take two towards the desires of your heart.

Nothing shows the strength of Gods truth alive in our life than by us giving unselfishly, without regret and with devotion to others on Gods behalf.

10th Sign: Humbleness-What God admires is the stillness within you to be humble in your daily interactions with others. When you’re blessed with the skills of excellence, you draw others of like mind and actions.

This creates the power of another of God’s promises, that when two or more are gathered together in his name, so shall I be in the midst of them.

When you step out of humbleness into the ego, you’ve separated yourself with a wall of arrogance. This leads to spiritual blindness and the fall is shortly behind.

Stay humble, tolerant and gentle; it opens the pearly gates effortlessly upon your arrival. This is something that you can trust from my heart to yours.

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