Antique Scrying mirrors -- Witch Gates.

I have two antique scrying mirrors, Witch gates, Witches Wishing Mirrors, or whatever you want to call them -- these are ancestral and just gorgeous in person, they have a real presence in a room and everyone always makes note of them because of the "pull" they feel from them.


This one above is my favorite and comes from the area around Cornwall in the British Isles. I am not sure of the actual date but I put it somewhere in the 1800's (19th century). I know of a few others (none are the same as they are hand carved and silvered, but there are some that I call "Kin" that all come from the Cornwall area) and if you do an internet search you will find those "famed" examples (along with a couple of terrible 1970s, poorly carved hacks).

I use it in the way my great grandmother taught me and it's potent, which is all I'm going to say on that. I actually thought twice about sharing these publicly, however, I feel they are of interests to the greater community.


This mirror above is potent as well and has a convex hand silvered glass that really distorts nicely, it is also early with its original patina. I have the sterling fork up for scale.


Both mirrors are hand made, both are done in the early hand silver way and both have some sort of cakey residue that is from the process of consecration I would imagine. Both mirrors are small -- the Cornish one is the larger of the two 17x10).

I hope you enjoyed these deeply interesting artifacts with provenance!

Always look deeper, my friends. The world is filled with magic and wonder. ;)

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