What can Steemians focus on today?


This is a General Tarot reading for all Steemians looking to find divine influence or advice for their steemit blogs!


What can Steemians do today to increase their following today?




1 Ten of Wands

The position of the Ten of Wands is in the past, which indicates that in the past we have run ourselves ragged trying to please all of our followers, when in the scheme of things, we should be focusing on pleasing ourselves and those with a like mind.

Stop blogging about what everyone else is blogging about. Start blogging about what makes you happy and what you are currently working on in life. This will lead to a happier more honest experience with your blogs!!


2 Nine of Wands Reversed.

The Nine of Wands in reverse is positioned in the present. It is an indication the as of now we are holding on too much of the past, and how when we were beginning on here, we did not get a very immediate or positive response blogging about what made us happy. Maybe you forgot your old password and made a new account? Maybe someone reported your original content as copied from another source such as google, which discouraged you.

Let go of your fears and hurts, ask yourself.. What good are they serving me now?


3 Seven of Swords Reversed.

Seven of Swords reversed is in the Future. This is an indication that there is an upcoming truth that will be hard to face. This may be a truth about ourselves or even an upcoming stock crash.. (Lets hope it is small and not a crash)

Remember everyone.. This site is not a get rich quick sort of scheme..


4 The Sun in Reverse.

This card is in the position of Cause, the root of the problem. The sun Reversed in the current position indicated that we are burning the candle from both ends, so to speak.. We are becoming too self absorbed in our blogs and not out there experiencing a life worth blogging about.

If you want to succeed on this website, experience life! Take little pictures of life! Blog about your day and your experiences! Do something wonderful for someone!

If you do not, you will fail at your end goal, and probably not be able to see the light so clearly at the end of the tunnel.


5 The Emperor Reversed.

This card in its current position indicates that the outcome will not be in our favor if we do not heed the warnings and advice of this reading.

We will feel like we are being manipulated or controlled by the likes and desires of others.. That is not what we steemians came here for! We came here to be in control of our own content!

So if you want to succeed here on Steemit. Listen to the cards! Write from the soul. Write about your passions! Be yourself!! Most important of all.. Don't allow yourself to become controlled by your followers!


This has been a 5 card reading for all of Steemit!

Much Love For All My Followers!!!


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