Today's Daily Tarot Influence 09/27/2017


This is a Daily Tarot for 09/27/2017

This drawing is from the Hobbit Deck by Terry Donaldson, Illustrated by Peter Pracownik.


Today I will be doing a 3 card reading divining past present and future as an example of my paid service.

This is a general reading for all of humanity as a whole.


Card Question...
What should humanity focus on as a whole this week to further ourselves?




1. Past The Fool...

The fool's Position is upright and in the past. This indicates that the human race as a whole has entered a new age, or a new chapter of life.

This new journey the Human race has gone down was spontaneous, and continues to be full of random surprises both good and bad. I feel that this has to do with the advancement of humanity.

This card has a special meaning for those of you who are currently in motion or have that mad "wanderlust" ... This message is "take a leap of faith and see where it takes you!"

This card also warns all who decide to take that leap of faith to not do so with out thinking first. Make sure you have nothing to lose before gambling with fate!!



2 Present Ace of Coins...

The position of the Ace of Coins presents the now. The present. What we need to do as of this moment in time. The Ace of Coins tells us that it is time to learn new skills and our efforts will be rewarded greatly with prosperity!

Yes! It is time for us all to learn new skills!! Learn new craft projects that you can do in a pinch to make a small and steady income. Learn a new trade skill! Learn a new language and become an interpreter! Your efforts will all be rewarded in 3 fold!

This card is a verification to those of you pondering a new change in pace or a different occupation. So sow those seeds of prosperity and let them flourish!! The time of greater purpose is among us!

The Ace of Coins is telling us that it is time to get a fresh start! Let's support those new small businesses and build new opportunities through them! You may be surprised to find that many of them might sell your crafts on consignment for you if you ask nicely 😜



3 The Future

The Moon Reversed...

The position of the Moon Reversed indicates a life event in the future that will cause you to repress your emotions.

This may be both a good thing and a bad thing dependant on a situation. From the energy I am sensing, this future is a warning to not allow your emotions effect those around you. Meaning, if you have strong emotions towards a social difference such as beliefs or racial differences, it would be a good time to put that aside to deal with at a later time.

The Moon in reversed also states blocked intuition. This simply means that it might be time to meditate more and work on your own intuition before making actions based on it. Lay low when you feel that your intuition is off or blocked. Do not seek out help from others as this is a message to the whole of humanity. The planets will simply not be aligned correctly for anyone to have 20/20 intuition.

Use singing bowls and fragrant calming tea of your choice to calm the repressed emotion and soothe the imbalances within yourself during this time. Stay calm and collective, as this too shall pass.


This concludes my Daily Tarot reading.

I hope you liked my 3 card past, present and future reading. My intuition was telling me to read more than one card draws today.

Much Love To All My Followers


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