Daily Tarot Influence for 09/28/2017


This is a Daily Tarot for 09/28/2017

This is an example of my paid service for a 5 card draw with the Hobbit Tarot Deck by Terry Donaldson and illustrated by Peter Pracownik.



Today's draw..

Card Question

What is today's advice/influence for humanity?



1 The Lovers in Reverse.

The Lovers in Reverse warns us to think about those we love before being tempted to act out on our impulses.

The position of this card is in the past. This indicates that, in the past you weren't very considerate of others, and if you were, it wasn't because you cared about them, it was because it benefitted yourself somehow. This card also carries a message for today in particular as a warning.

Whether it is your significant other, parents, children or family. Consider their feelings about their feelings before your own today. Is it worth saying something that would upset them today? What will you gain from your words or actions? How will your future with this person be affected by your decision today?

Think before you speak or do today. It isn't that difficult.


2 3 of Swords Reversed.

This card is in the position of the present. This card in reversed is a reminder of the human frailty of love. It is time for humankind to learn to trim back their expectations to a realistic level instead of an ideal level.. Love those you hold dear unconditionally and without unrealistic expectations..

Your wife doesn't have to be perfectly a size 6 with DDD breasts to be an amazing and beautiful person. Your Husband doesn't have to be super muscular and work on cars and be a handyman to be sexy. Your children do not need straight A's to be worthy of your time. Love your friends and family for who they are presently instead of who you want them to be.


3* The Queen of Cups

The Queen of Cups is in the position of the future. This card has the energy of unconditional love, empathy, compassion and generosity in a woman. This woman could be you, or someone you know who carries these traits. It could also be someone who you will meet in the future. Since this is a general reading, I am getting mixed energies.

This card is also a message and a warning that in order to advance or move on with your life, you will need to let go of all resentments.

It is time for you to let go of the pain and resentments that others have caused you, as well as the resentments you have caused yourself so that you can love unconditionally to those who deserve your full attention.


4 Page of Swords Reversed.

The Page of Swords is in the position of the cause of the problem. This lets us know what is causing the problems presented and possibly even how to correct it.

The biggest cause for our resentments and the issues in our life is that we have all limited our viewpoints in life through various ways like Social Media, Political parties, the kind of news, the foods we like, and even the choice of getting pineapples on your pizza.. These are all stupid reasons to judge people. We should be using our time more effectively.

This card is also an indication that detachment from the problem will require more activity than just saying that you are a better person.. It will require you to prove it through your actions rather than words.


5 The World in reversed.

This card's position is in the final outcome. It is showing you where you will end up if you do not heed these warnings.

The World in Reversed indicates that soon you will end up feeling as if you are carrying the world on your shoulders. You will end up feeling heavily burdened with no outlet and as if there is no hope for humanity or yourself. This can be super dangerous.

You may also feel weighed down with terrible responsibilities.. This can range from Divorce with kids, pulling the plug on a loved one metaphorically or literally, a break up that you feel is 100% your fault, or putting a family member in the nursing home who has been there for you your entire life, due to you not caring or having enough time and patience to support them.

Be strong. Be considerate. Always think before you act or speak. Especially with those you love.


This concludes my 5 card reading for humanity.


Much Love For All My Followers


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