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Hodling UTOPIS earns you more Hives


Damn with these Hive prices.. Making Hoding UTOPIS a win for sure.

5 Years hu?

Simple, I mine ETH ( LOW atm, due to the market crash) and DD I earn Fiat so I DCA I guess? :)

What is UTOPIS?

UTOPIS WhitePaper

This is my project and its an ever growing one at that.

Well it is Tuesday, Despite the nasty blood bath, I am doing good on DD, besides the last couple of days when their who systems crashed which resulted in miss opportunities for a couple of hours each days as you know ETH mining has slowed down in profit due to the price tanking.. But since I pay no electricity costs I keep mining away.. remember it all adds up.

I am still stacking every single tribe tokens with some maybe tiny sales. This will allow for the accumulation of tribe tokens.. I know some wont make it but that's why you diversify no?

I do this about couple of times a day.

Project UTOPIS is for wealth growth. Simple.

Market is Down in the dumps.. more like waves small waves though.

I still Hustle away though.
My first aim is to create an extremely bulky project with a competitive coin price that pays out outstanding dividends. The afterwards I will look into forwarding our direction from there.
“The Best Time To Be Is Now, And All’s We Can Say Is...Let’s Rock!”

You can you buy Utopis on Tribaldex.

Project Utopis Whitepaper

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