Dishonored 2 - Thoughts

Dishonored 2

I was a big fan of the first dishonored game and I have to say the second doesn't disappoint.

Dishonored 2 continues closely on from the first game, however this time you get to chose between playing as Corvo or the new character Emily. They both have different powers and have a different play style, although they are both still stealthy.

For those who haven't played dishonored before you are a stealthy assassin trying to take down the administration in power, as you go through the levels you will have to find information and/or take out someone in power. You are given powers by a character called the outsider who is basically a god who you don't really know that much about, you can upgrade you powers through items found in game.


Corvo has had a lot of changes to his powers, the base powers are the same however they have added a lot more upgrades for each power.


Blink now has upgrades to freeze time and to knock down an enemy if you attack at the end of the blink.

Dark Vision has upgrades to see objects and systems through walls and you can see an enemies planned route and destination.

Possession has upgrades that let you jump between hosts, occupy dead or sleeping people and extended duration.

Bend time has upgrades that let you move faster relative to time and to make time freeze for longer.

Devouring Swarm has upgrades to make the swarm follow you and to make two swarms.

Windblast has an upgrade that makes a second blast of wind in a small area around you after use.

Blood thirsty has an upgrade that will kill multiple enemies within range.

Agility has an upgrade that makes you take reduced fall damage.

Shadow Kill has an upgrade that transforms any enemy killed in combat into a swarm of deadly bloodflies.


Far reach is similar to corvos' blink, but acts more like a grapple so you can be spotted using it, it also has an upgrade that will pull an enemy towards you.

Dark vision is the same as with Corvo.

Mesmerize just mesmerizes enemies, each upgrade lets you mesmerize more enemies at once.

Domino lets you link two people and what you do to one happens to the other, you can also upgrade it to work with four people.

Shadow Walk makes Emily walk closer to the ground and fit through small spaces, along with making it harder to spot her.

Doppelganger makes a doppelganger of you to distract enemies, the doppelganger can also be used with domino.

I think this is a great thing to be added because it lets you have more customization and allows you to play more to your style, weather you want to be completely stealthy or run in all guns blazing. Although the game is meant to be hard an you are meant to be as stealthy as possible, it is still fun to play in other ways like taking out all the enemies.


I really liked the style of the first dishonored game and I think they did well with this game.
I have seen a few comments of people saying they don't like the graphics and they are outdated, however I don't really agree with this because I don't think the graphics are supposed to make the characters look like real people.

Part of the game is that it is supposed to look like a creepy comic book not like real life, it is its own creepy world where people don't look quite normal, they look like something a person has drawn and I don't see why this is a bad thing because it adds something different and is done well.

I think the game generally looks a lot better than the previous game with lighting and colours looking better adjusted, characters also look a lot better, rather than looking quite like a plank they actually look 3D and the movements are a lot better. Attack animation also look a lot better and there is new brutal kill animations. AI is also quite a lot better.


I don't really like talking about the story of game to much because of spoilers and weather you like a story really does depend on you, however I think they did really well with the story as it goes well with the last story and the paths you go down make a lot of sense.

I also think they have done the character for Emily well and her story actually makes sense rather than feeling like she is just dropped in, she is actually fighting for a reason. I also like the way Emily's powers link and work well when used together as it makes for some interesting chain combos.

I would definitely recommend for any one to hasn't yet played this game to get it, I don't really have a bad word to say about it and because you can play as two different characters there is a lot to play through so it isn't something you will complete quickly and it is just a lot of fun to play through.

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