Survived The M.R.I. Unfortunately

Was hoping getting sedated for my annual M.R.I. would result in death! Hate going through those scans. Already know I have Multiple sclerosis. Started having problems with my body in 3rd grade. Local doctors commented I was nuts or a hypochondriac! Just wanted to stop feeling the constant "pins and needles" effect or the "MS hug".

Have had a habit of falling over my own feet for as long as I can remember. The only parts of my body that are big is my 2 feet. Am short ( 5 foot 1 inches) tall. Having grown up on a dairy farm I learned about how to breed out the defects from a creature's body, so I wanted to marry a taller man. I fell in love with a boy who looked and acted just like my mother's father. He had the same manner of speech and attitudes toward women, too!

The boy was six foot 3 inches tall to my 5 foot one inches. We made a funny looking couple. He could literally pick me up when he wanted to sweep me off my feet!

After dating a few years, I asked him to marry me! He flat out turned me down. Turns out he wanted to ask my father for permission first. Told him if he asked my father, I would not marry him. If he wanted to ask permission, he could ask my mother's father. Grandpa Sheridan was the only male father figure that actually acted like he cared.

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