"58" Shades of Gray #3 Day Job; Employee VS Self Employed

In the three months(appr.) I have been on SteemIt, only one person has said how well their day job works for them. (homesteaders are exempt) Many have vented frustration over being an employee, required to work a day job. A few have vented frustration over challenges they face being self-employed. The most common statement I hear is "I want to Steem full time". There are some people making a living just from SteemIt. And quite a few who are Steeming full time, but not making a living.

For me this is not a black or white issue.
I've been working in the construction field since I was 19. A few months in I was hand digging footings under a cabin we were relocating. It was a tough situation making the work harder than normal. I threw down the pick I was using and told myself:

"I hate this and I am not going to do something I hate!"

After a few minutes pondering, I decided I had to try giving everything I had to the work and see if I could like it well enough to continue. The extra effort and change in attitude was miraculous. Immediately every task I faced was a challenge to overcome. Each task became a victory. Soon I saw a benefit to my labor, in addition to money, that persists to this day.

I got to see something I helped build.
Google Earth Image of a Business Park I worked on in Yakima, WA

I believe one of the most valuable aspects of our efforts, along with making a living, is a sense of service. Providing something of value to others. I have had the privilege of providing homes,businesses, roads, utilities, and maintenance of all those things, to generations of customers and friends.

There's another side to this coin.
Often my work feels miserable, and half jokingly I say I should've stayed in college!
Early hours and long days that never seem to end.
Brutal cold and heat, mud and snow.
My body has suffered. (Benefited as well)
Conflicts with supervisors that I didn't get along with.
Customers that cannot be satisfied.
Government regulations that make no sense other than to restrict production.(Don't get me started)
Less money than other occupations.
Less respect from society as a blue collar worker.(Don't get me started here either)

Ever since the day I threw down the pick, I have, in essence, worked for myself. Even when I am employed by another. I choose to become employed by a company that chooses to employ me. To this day, I could not endlessly work at something I hate.

About three months ago, I started working a second job.
Steemit Green.png
I didn't intend to become as involved as I have, but it was fun and interesting from the start. I don't make much money, but if crypto goes where I believe it's going, the long term payoff will be great. The best payout now is I get to interact with YOU!

I can't say for sure what I would do if I became independently wealthy. I wouldn't mind facing that challenge.
Or, perhaps, I will become a full time Steemian, who knows?

The point for me is that even as an employee, I have always been self-employed.

Getting back to the opening paragraph in this post, I'm interested in how your
making a living is working for you.
Are you an employee? How do you feel about that?
Are you self-employed? What are your challenges, and how is that working?
And from everyone, how does SteemIt benefit you? How does it challenge you?

I’m 58 and I live in a beautiful, colorful world filled with “Shades of Gray”,
Animated GIF-downsized_large (1).gif

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