Who do I follow

And why?

notice the disparity in numbers?
The other day I ran an experiment

Twenty some people commented and engaged in the discussion.
I realize that some of the real people who follow me are busy people..they live in other time zones and might have missed it...SO...I used a very sophisticated mathmatical analysis to determine how many real followers I have.

In other words I took a wild guess.

I estimate that I have Forty some odd REAL followers.
The other 4435 are either


or 'bots

I hate bots

That said...
I want to take the opportunity to thank every one of my followers who are REAL PEOPLE

Without you I'd just be treading water, talking to my self and getting nowhere, so thanks for your participation.
You might notice that there is a great disparity between those who follow me...and those that I follow?
ATt the moment I'm following 128 people and I've chosen them with care.

A few...quite a few actually... are 'top ranking' people who I just read what they post.
People like
Ned, the . CEO of Steemit.
steemitblog who regularly issues 'report' from the 'devs'
dragosroua whom I've assigned my witness proxy too.
blocktrades who is not even a single person, I don't think, rather it's a blog run by an exchange that I use several times a day. Any news that affects their operations, and me, is posted there.

And quite a few others of similar nature.

Smart guys...people who post IMPORTANT stuff. A lot of which (most of it) is over my head. In other words I have no clue what they are talking about, but I'm learning. I read what they write and pick up a little bit here...a little bit there...a learn a lot from those guys, but I don't interact with them much.

The others are folks who I follow I DO interact with a lot. I engage with them in debate, battles of wit, and all around enjoyable conversation. I spend MOST of my time converseing with those guys...except when I'm writing post of my own. Sometimes I do both at the same time.

I'll tell you right now who I do NOT follow.

I don't follow 'bots.

New To Steemit? Follow Begging Will DESTROY You: DO - NOT - DO - IT! Here's Why...
I'm Sick of Spamming Steemit Beggars
and further more
"Hi, This Is A Very Useless Comment..."

Your post is very good, wow, so great.
Did I tell you how awesome your post is and how great of an author you are? Very good my friend.
You are a great author. Your posts always fascinated me. Please like me back

Nope...doesn't cut the mustard. I mute them so fast I almost sprain my finger...like I do all bots.

I follow real people who post about real stuff
(sorry about that flat-earthers, chemtrails and many other conspiracy nuts)
Many times I follow someone for a while..then decide that I'm underwhelmed and unfollow him.
Some times I'm SO not impressed that I mute them. Sometimes I re-follow or un-mute later. It all depends.

Perhaps I could compare my list of people that I follow to a garden. I'm picky about what I select for my garden. If a particular plant doesn't grow right...out it comes. It might be the wrong time of year...I might have had too much too drink (ooops...forget I said that)...I may be tired, short on sleep and grumpy....or for any other reason...who knows?

But.....that's how I do it.
How about you?

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