One More Example (of thousands) that the Federal Government

Is not rational!

They're gonna destroy an abandoned oil platform that's been in place for decades, and has a diverse ecosystem that grew around it over time.


They're going to DESTROY the platform, and the ecosystem, and thousands of fish.

Because they fear, that the platform that MIGHT be destroyed by a storm, (although it has weather countless such) MIGHT damage the gulf's ecosystem IF it leaks oil when it's MIGHT be destroyed.

Ignoring the inconvenient fact..that the well is DRY (that's why it was abandoned in the first place)

They want to destroy it in order to save it?
Sounds like something from the Vietnam war

Not only That
untold thousand of barrels of oil leak into the gulf every year..from NATURAL OIL SEEPS

The Federal Government is beyond insane...

It's criminally STOOPID.

We need a WHOLE lot less of it.
Smaller government...less harm.

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