New Rules

For Men

  • And so we have arrived, in the Brett Kavanaugh affair, the inevitable and ultimate apotheosis of #MeToo – the vilification of men qua men.
    Now, one accusation alone – no matter how unsubstantiated and uncorroborated – is enough to ruin a man’s reputation, nullify his accomplishments and erase his opportunities...for life.

To protect themselves men need new rules of engagement in the battle of the sexes.

.................some suggestions...................

  • Don't Hire Women
  • Interact with women ONLY in public places. A video of the encounter would be nice.
  • Do NOT mentor women or girls (much too dangerous)
  • Dating and Romance are now minefields. Proceed with utmost caution. One misstep, or if you fall into a trap, and you could loose EVERYTHING.

..............fortunately technology has an answer..........................

  • The sex robots are already here, and are daily growing cheaper, better and more widely available.

  • in our current anti-male hysteria: That interactions with women are often more trouble than they are worth.
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