I UNFollowed

a Steemer today

couldn't take his whining and negativism any longer.
He and I had both joined Steemit in August of 2016
Right now he has 'about' 198 SteemPower and 'about' 200 followers.
I have just a tiny bit more than that.

He made a post about how unfair Steemit was right now.
How the poor minnows just couldn't make it today.
(he objected to the use of fishnames...it is SO speciest)

I attempted to reason with him.
I showed him by example that today was the BEST day to be on Steemit.
I explained that anyone who was willing to work could achieve anything that they wanted to.

Didn't work.

So...I Unfollowed him.
Who needs an anchor weighting you down,
when you're attempting to swim?

Can't understand it..
Steemit is a life changer.
All it takes is a little bit of effort to understand how it works.
Innovate, adapt and Overcome
not a new thing.
Think of it as
Evolution in Action
The strong survive.
The cowards never left.
The weak die along the way

so it is.
So it shall always be.

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