Let’s Friendly with Disasters | Bersahabat Dengan Bencana |


Source: BBC.com

Indonesia is in a ring of fire surrounded by hundreds of active volcanoes. On the one hand, the existence of the volcano is a blessing when viewed from various aspects, including science. On the other hand, the danger of volcanic eruptions threatens residents at all times.

Unfortunately, the Indonesian people are not aware of the disaster so that when it comes, the death toll is more than it should be. In addition to volcanoes, Indonesia is also located in several earth faults that make the threat of earthquakes and tsunamis occur at any time.

Unfortunately, even though there have been many tragedies in the earthquake and tsunami with hundreds of thousands of victims dead as happened in Aceh, public awareness has not grown in the face of disasters. People are not used to being friends with disasters. The disaster was very close and far away. Like the earthquake disaster that occurred in Palu, Sigi, and Donggala, Central Sulawesi Province, recently. Without early warning of Tsunami hazards from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geoophysics Agency (BMKG), the community should be able to distinguish earthquakes that have the potential to cause tsunamis or not from the strength of shocks. Do not arrive at low tide, residents even go to the sea to pick up fish.

Disaster mitigation must continue to be carried out by the government by collaborating with various research institutions, universities, and mass media for socialization. Building disaster awareness is a long-term project and not only after a disaster occurs.

Some earthquake-prone and tsunami-affected countries such as Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, India, and several other countries, should work together in dealing with earthquake disasters and build public awareness to be more aware of disasters. It often happens, earthquakes in a country cause Tsunamis in other countries. []


Source: INews.com

Bersahabat Dengan Bencana

Indonesia berada di daerah cincin api yang di kelilingi ratusan gunung berapi aktif. Di satu sisi, keberadaan gunung berapi itu menjadi berkah jika dilihat dari berbagai aspek, termasuk ilmu pengetahuan. Di sisi lain, bahaya letusan gunung berapi mengancam warga setiap saat. Celakanya, masyarakat Indonesia belum sadar bencana sehingga ketika ia datang, jumlah korban jiwa lebih banyak dari seharusnya.

Selain gunung berapi, Indonesia juga terletak di beberapa patahan bumi yang membuat ancaman gempa dan Tsunami terjadi setiap saat. Celakanya lagi, meski sudah banyak tragedi gempa dan Tsunami dengan jumlah korban meninggal ratusan ribu jiwa seperti yang terjadi di Aceh, kesadaran masyarakat belum tumbuh dalam menghadapi bencana. Masyarakat belum terbiasa bersahabat dengan bencana. Bencana itu sangat dekat sekaligus jauh.

Seperti bencana gempa yang terjadi di Palu, Sigi, dan Donggala Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah, baru-baru ini. Tanpa peringatan dini akan bahaya Tsunami dari Badan Metereologi, Klimatologi, dan Geoofisika (BMKG), masyarakat seharusnya sudah bisa membedakan gempa yang berpotensi menimbulkan Tsunami atau tidak dari kekuatan guncangan. Jangan sampai ketika air surut, warga malah ke laut untuk memungut ikan.

Mitigasi bencana harus terus dilakukan pemerintah dengan menggandeng berbagai lembaga riset, perguruan tinggi, dan media massa untuk sosialisasi. Membangun kesadaran bencana adalah proyek jangka panjang dan tidak hanya dilakukan setelah bencana terjadi.

Beberapa negara yang rawan gempa dan terimbas Tsunami seperti Jepang, Malaysia, Thailand, India, dan beberapa negara lainnya, seharusnya bekerja sama dalam menghadapi bencana gempa dan membangun kesadaran masyarakat agar lebih sadar bencana. Sering terjadi, gempa di sebuah negara menimbulkan Tsunami di negara lain.[]

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