EK Blog #2 Hongkong Dishes I really love, but I can still eat them in Shanghai (Pictures of my dinner)

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Where I am right now

It is almost 11:30pm here in China Time. I am currently lying on my bed with the air conditioner set at 21c feeling really awesome about how steemit allows me to get motivated in improving my writing skills as well as share some interesting stories with others.

Memory Lane

I just had some really delicious HongKong food, and I know that people sometimes go to Hongkong eating food priced in various ranges, but I just remember the good days of my Hongkong Visa runs and how I usually had been stuck on a budget just to get the “thing” done with. During these trips, I would sometimes take the train from Shanghai to Shenzhen which would take maybe 18 hours and read books or play video games on my computer. Then I would arrive in Shenzhen and take a taxi to the Luohu Port and cross over to Hongkong in the hot sweltering heat. It usually was quite warm no matter the season of summer or winter. Actually thinking back on it, this was probably the only way I went to Hongkong; either by train to Shenzhen or a flight there before crossing the border as a direct flight to Hongkong would be perhaps 2x more expensive and I wanted to save that little extra bit of cash.

HongKong Visa Runs

Once I arrived in Hongkong I would usually go to the visa office located on Hongkong Island

7th Floor, Lower Block, ChinaResourcesBuilding,
No.26, Harbor Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong SAR
Office Hours
Monday to Friday (except Hong Kongpublic holidays,)

Hongkong Hostel

After completing my primary task of starting my visa application, I would head to my favorite hostel Yesinn in Causeway Bay

I loved this place because the rooms were always clean, the staff were international, and there were two outdoor patios and a common room full of friendly and outgoing people who I would usually hang out with and plan little trips into the city with. Of course, the location was also good as Causeway Bay was really close to the “foreign bar streets” Wanchai and the upper scale party area “Languifang”.

Favorite Foods

Anyways my favorite foods in Hongkong were:

Hainan Chicken Rice and the Hongkong version which smelled amazing! Hainan Chicken had the right texture with a small mix of veggies and broth-soaked rice; all of which came with different sauces and a bowl of aroma filled chicken soup. The Hongkong version was also blanched chicken with scallion, chopped garlic, and exquisite smelling oils that they would pour on the chicken along with friend onions over imported rice.
Even though it was a cheap dish of maybe around 35hkd per plate but I could sometimes go up to having more than 2 or 3 of them because it just tasted so good!

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The other two things I always got was the lamb wrap (70+hkd) from Ebeneezers which had these really finely roasted lamb sliced with veggies wrapped up nicely with different yoghurt sauces and spices that tasted amazing and shrimp wonton with noodles usually around (35hkd)

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There was also delicious Indian food especially in Chungkong Mansions which weren’t all that bad either because of the various spices they had in everything although sometimes the vendors were a bit greedy giving different prices to different tourists, locals, and of their own countries.

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The last food I loved in Hongkong was this mixed beef with noodles or rice, and I know that many people might be against eating the insides of animals as it is an acquired taste. Liver, heart, lung, etc are actually considered very nutrient dense and should be added as an addition to a healthy diet. In some ancient cultures, the meat from an animal was discarded, and they only kept the insides for the nutrients that it contained. They had these pots of marinated pieces of beef over rice which tasted delicious. My plan for my original trip was to “save money” but because of these favorites of mine; I could take a cheap 35hkd meal and have 3-4 just for dinner. They were just this good.

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Tonight's Dinner

Tonight I stopped by a Hong Kong restaurant near where I live; this place, which I sometimes go on my way back home. I just love it so much that I had to share some pictures of the food because it just tastes so good. For those who live in Jingan Shanghai, you can check out the restaurant. For the others…. Well, hopefully, this post was education and maybe made your mouth water at least a little?

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