Crypto Nomad - Lets try something!

My Wirex card was cancelled just a couple of weeks before I went to Europe, which wasnt cool 🤣

I decided to see if I can find a Bitcoin ATM, and sure enough there is one here in Salou, Tarragona. Its been nice here, palm trees on the beach, and I feel like Im on holiday!


I made 40 bucks trading today,

and I want to see how easy it is to sell those Sats and the use it maybe for an airbnb 😝👍

Im waiting for the shop to open in 40mins and I thinkI will make a joint. What a bonus to wake up with weed I got whilst I was drunk, and had forgotten about!

Heres the shop!


And they are even selling bitcoin miners, unless Im wrong!


ohh its also just passed 16.20, perfecto!


Everything went great, Ill now look for a airbnb 👍


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