Playing with Chestahedron and Decatria, sculpture design.

During the past weeks I have been playing with this sacred geometry shape called Chestahedron. It happens it's also the shape chose for their future software EOS.
You can find some information about this shape on the website of its creator Franck Chester here :

Then my attraction has been caught by the Decatria which Franck Chester explains that it is the dual shape of a Chestahedron :

"What is a dual? A dual is a form that will fit inside or outside of each other. It is a reversal based on points to planes or planes to points. If you truncate a cube (cut off its corners), you will create an Octahedron and if you truncate an Octahedron, it will produce a Cube. The Cube corners will touch the inside faces of the Octahedron or the Octahedron corners will touch the inside faces of the Cube. The rule is to cut each corner at 90 degree to the form’s center and stop cutting one half the distance from the corner to the center.
Following this dual procedure, the Chestahedron resulted in having to cut off three edges instead of three corners. The reason for this was that both the edges and the corners were at 90 degrees to the axis. This is the first lawfully objective use of the traditional form of transformation using both corners and edge truncations at the same time. The resulting form has three edges and four corners, resulting in a 13-sided polyhedron, the Decatria. Each form fits perfectly inside the other; they form a dual pair."

I tried to follow the procedure and after a few test of slicing the chestahedron in 3D, I ended up with the Decatria inside.

Now I am playing with different textures an shaders to make some nice renders.
This specific one would be a golden chestahedron cage containing a Decatria made of volcanic rock. The whole is itself encapsulated in a thin layered glass made bigger chestahedron.

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