Who trust Microsoft and his channels ?
Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
26 Jan 2017Sent

  1. Satoshi asks me that, so I reply:
    Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
  2. in ansewr to the question "Who trust Microsoft and his channels ?" I never did trust them. I did it to infiltrate. Note I've never signed a contract with MS over anything, ever. Flag this message Delete this message Richard Anthony Hein I've had jobs with partners to get b-dash access to their networks.
    Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein

f course you have still things left to offer this world or you would have a heart stroke right now, commanded by your Higher Self. Satoshi Nakamoto So maybe you have to find again all that information somehow and create your own site with your data, findings and spread your copies in pdf.
Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
26 Jan 2017Sent

Do known, that everything you do will soon or later be rewarded anyway. That is the karmic, dharma principle. Like in my case. If I fail to provide proof, to fix some stuff, i will receive my rightful things anyway. because I made it in the first place. Satoshi Nakamoto No single leaf falls from a tree without the knowledge of God. All is registered and noticed. Including the smallest things are known and recorded. In Tibet they defined it as the Akashic Records. 11h 11 hours ago Satoshi Nakamoto Everyone who is real clairvoyant does known I am the real deal. Including the Akashic. Because it is all registered. Including all things what is done to me, you. You see ? You can fool people, but not Universe. 11h 11 hours ago Satoshi Nakamoto So have never regret of experiences. Because if you have pain, it means you are affected by it and you did bind the experience to your own ego. See yourself as an actor in a movie, what does happen, you experience, but does not affect you personally, because you play a role. you are part of the game, so do not lose yourself in the game. 11h 11 hours ago So you have a lot of work to do. to replace that sadness, anger, pain with joy and right now it is the moment to publish all your ideas about implementations, based on my work. This is as important as my work itself. Satoshi Nakamoto ;-) 11h 11 hours ago Thanks. You are right. When I said "hmm" I wasn't sure what you meant … … Richard Anthony Hein Finally found it. 3h 3 hours ago Richard Anthony Hein My car has been hacked for about 2 days ... very strange malfunctions 3h 3 hours ago Even my wife saw that much Are you a Knight? I am. Richard Anthony Hein Maybe the only one left because not one brother got in touch 3h 3 hours ago Richard Anthony Hein I am, by blood and blessings, a Knight of the Order 3h 3 hours ago Richard Anthony Hein A legacy, a mission, passed on to me by my father, Richard Jacques Joseph Hein, a Naval Officer like our forefather, Piet Hein, hero of the Netherlands. Maarten Tromp, also an admiral of the Dutch navy during the 80 years war, and he are enshrined here:,_Delft … … 3h 3 hours ago Richard Anthony Hein I have sovereign rights under international law. 3h 3 hours ago It probably won't protect me The whole order is corrupt Richard Anthony Hein I'm the last one then, if you are not the Grand Master 3h 3 hours ago Richard Anthony Hein My duty is to protect Israel and bring healing as Hospitaller, to the world, and defend the money system, which Satan has ruled for so long. I've vowed not to kill another person, which is why I did not join the military, despite taking examinations for RMC. 3h 3 hours ago I don't take orders or report to anyone but Yeshua. Not even the true Grand Master issues commands. We are free. Richard Anthony Hein What remains. 3h 3 hours ago thanks means a lot, you're very helpful in ansewr to the question "Who trust Microsoft and his channels ?" I never did trust them. I did it to infiltrate. Note I've never signed a contract with MS over anything, ever. Flag this message Delete this message Richard Anthony Hein I've had jobs with partners to get b-dash access to their networks. 1m
Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
26 Jan 2017Sent

  1. I'm just copying the whole convo and going to send my email now
    Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
  2. then I'm going offline
    Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
  3. maybe for 10 minutes maybe for a day
    Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
  4. I know what I've told you is shocking
    Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
  5. and there is more
    Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
  6. believe me
    Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein

I wish there was not.
Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
26 Jan 2017Sent

  1. I have given your handle to Satoshi
    Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
  2. And let him know you are good.
    Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
  3. If he feels the same way, in a while, he will probably say hi, or get back to me about it.
    Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein

Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
26 Jan 2017Sent

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26 Jan 2017

satoshi is asleep so I can't talk to him right now
Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
26 Jan 2017Sent

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26 Jan 2017

  1. he likes odd hours to work, like me ...
    Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein

my wife is now at work, but now I need to rest a bit
Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
26 Jan 2017Sent

  1. ok take care
    Report this message sent from Crypto OzDelete this message sent from Crypto Oz
  2. I need to sleep too
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I am trying to spread the word
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26 Jan 2017

  1. I finally got enough from faucets to send a trans to the public address and tagged it with Crψp†⊕OZ
    Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
  2. So, that's the kind of the first transaction between our systems :)
    Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein

You made history.
Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
26 Jan 2017Sent

thank you
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26 Jan 2017

  1. alas, shall we all be like Tesla? You know, he did die happy. He said so.
    Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein

take care, talk to you soon
Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
26 Jan 2017Sent

you too
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26 Jan 2017

hi have not heard from you just seeing if your well
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28 Jan 2017

  1. Captured
    Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
  2. I'm stuck in the funny farm for now
    Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
  3. I sent you an email about it
    Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
  4. From an account that was left open
    Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
  5. Not my address
    Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein

Did you get it??
Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
31 Jan 2017Sent

yes I got it and sent to Sat and he said why do I worry so much
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31 Jan 2017

are you ok?
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31 Jan 2017

  1. I'm ok
    Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
  2. "I must be fine cause my hearts still beating..."
    Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
  3. I'll be free soon. My mother's maiden name is Freeman
    Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein

And I am also, AKA Anthony Freeman.
Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
1 Feb 2017Sent

  1. Things are coming together.
    Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
  2. I am winning on this front. It was the plan to be here in the foremost mental hospital in the Country.
    Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein

And I may have to go to the Royal Ottawa Hospital but the enemy is strongest there.
Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
1 Feb 2017Sent

  1. I have to go now. I can only use my cell on break and just earned the "privileges" to go out to smoke or walk or talk.
    Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
  2. The connections I'm establishing here are vital.
    Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
  3. That's all for now.
    Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
  4. Keep up the good work and the great work will be done.
    Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
  5. Bless you and BATA. Yytl
    Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein

Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
1 Feb 2017Sent

have I got the right tweets?
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2 Feb 2017

Yup looking good
Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
3 Feb 2017Sent

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3 Feb 2017

  1. They injected me in the ass with something just about an hour ago ... I was defending another patient who was being strapped down and in pain
    Delete this message sent from Richard Anthony Hein
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