Spring has finally arrived!!

For 5 weeks we have fought our way through the winter territories of Northern Europe to finally reach spring in Croatia! We are so thrilled!

Spent our first day in the sun at the Adriatic Sea in Northern Croatia. It felt like summer, literally - as if we had entirely skipped Spring-season altogether in a manner of days. Freezing temperatures in Austria and one week later upwards of 25° Celsius, washing ourselves in the sea and getting worried we might get sunburns. Wow!

Ever since we passed the alps we feel we have escaped winter, but now that we have traversed Slovenia and moved into Croatia we feel summer again. That unmistakable tingle on the skin,the stinging glow in our eyes and the heat when the air is not moving but cooking in direct sunlight.

We decided yesterday night to continue a little onwards to the inland regions on our way to Montenegro, and we found this awesome parking spot overlooking the Adriatic sea and a heap of mountains with a view that one does not really just encouter like that. Thanks to park4night again, we are so blessed to have that app in our life, lol. If you ever go on van travels just get the damn app I have written about here, lol.

Awoke this morning to a stunning view, despite the non-summery weather conditions. We can't wait to finish our travels through Croatia, should be 1 to 2 days left now before we enter Montenegro. Then we just want to take our time and chill, finding great spots to park for a few days and starting to make music again. Traveling has been fun but we feel we finally want to arrive somewhere and start focusing on our arts and our greater mission now that winter is becoming a dim memory or recent experience.

Glorious travel life. We may just be through the thick of it now and starting to reap the rewards. We definitely earned it! Let abundance and glorious life experiences rain on us ;)

Here is the photo we took this morning of our van in front of the Adriatic panorama <3


Img srcs:
Image taken by us ;)

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