We are talking about one of the popular oral anabolic steroid namely DIANABOL.. DIANABOL is known as one of the popular oral anabolic steroid tablet of all time. Nd this steroid is developed for the performance enhancement it's sole purpose... And this steroid is use for medical use but now days people are using for performance enhancement.... Dianabol other name as Methandrostenolone.... And it's designed specially to maintain the anabolic properties of testosterone. By the way more special things is on an functionality basis steroid namely dianabol is easier anabolic steroid to understand. And speciality of steroid is largely by providing it's anaboliv benefits by the enhancing the protein synthesis, nitrogen retention, and glycogenlysis. Protein synthesis namely represent the rate by which as building blocks of muscle and cell build proteins.. SIDE EFFECTS OF THIS STEROID.
1.If it's taken in large doses and long cycle it damages liver overtime.
2. Taking too much it slows down or stops down testosterone production. This steroid basically suppress your ability of body to produce testosterone naturally... It gives signals to the body that ur testosterone is full and u didn't need to produce more.
3.converts to estrogen more side effect is dianabol converts estrogen in female body..... 4.diarrhoea.
6 sleeplessness
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