DEXBot Progress Report October 2018


Since the last report, several bugs have been fixed, and several improvements have been made to the user experience. In addition to those:

  • A strategy template has been created, which should help new strategy developers to get started.
  • Staggered Orders got new modes; buy slope and sell slope. More details can be found in the documentation
  • Relative Orders got a dynamic spread option. Details in the wiki.
  • A global settings window for the GUI, currently containing a node configuration tool.
  • Allowed also owner key to be used for signing
  • Staggered Orders works now much faster (or less slow)
  • A per-worker details view, which contains tabs for different kinds of information. Yet to be populated with any useful data. New strategies can also easily make use of it. It's pretty well customizable.
  • The GUI got a link to the documentation.
  • Documentation updates.


There are still bugs in the strategies and setup problems that occur for some users but not for others. Those must be fixed. Features that are currently in the works include:

  • The missing neutral mode for Staggered Orders
  • Reference price from external sources

Our goals also include:

  • Speedup by means of threading or some other tricks
  • Quality Assurance
  • Profit estimation
  • Update notification
  • Button for easy reporting to statistics
  • Of course all the small improvements that together make a big difference


So far we have spent:

$90,385 on development (pure development work), which is $6830 since last report
$19,610 on project lead (actual management, lead developer work, architecture and strategy design, meetings, documentation), which is $360 since last report.
$3962 on PR (website, content creation, presentations), which is $0 since last report
$6090 on UX (mostly design and UI develpment), which is $0 since last report

Unspent budget as per yesterday (2018-10-13) is $30,553. (That's what we haven't yet spent of our Worker Pay.)

We intend not to spend everything during our WP period, but to spare some for supporting the software some way into the future. We need to keep up information on the web, fix critical bugs, and maybe even do some advertising.

No BTS has yet been returned to the reserve pool. Prices have been about 10x lower than when we started, so almost all has been spent to get enough bitUSD to reach the budget. Luckily we were conservative and it has sufficed. Once we accumulate more than what is needed until the end of our period, we will return all excess BTS and USD.

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