The DeVault 1 year Anniversary is here! Writing + Video contest, Hive + Twitter + Discord Tipping, HUGE trading contest!

Ready to join the DeVault community yet? We're over 1 year old!

Today we are celebrating the #DeVault 1 year genesis block anniversary and have a body of contests, tipping programs as well as simple giveaways that will be occurring over the next 30 days to not only celebrate but further distribute the #DeVault blockchain to would be users. If you don't know what DeVault is, we are basically a community of freedom loving crypto enthusiasts who place a focus on not only open source money, but also fair community governance and rewarding holders with the #ColdRewards feature that lets anyone, even those without a full node wallet the ability to earn passive income on their holdings.

Over the past year we have spent much of the time garnering a small vocal community while developers have worked on many projects that include:

  • Cold Rewards feature (interesting bearing UTXOs)
  • Custom YIIMP pool
  • Electrum Desktop wallet (DeLight)
  • Reworked hundreds of thousands of lines of code after BCH fork.
  • Revamped Core Wallet with added functionality such as Cold Rewards.
  • DeVault MobileElectrum Wallets
  • DeVault.Online voting + social platform
  • Quite a few dependencies such as BitCore and it's supplemental tech such as SockServe
  • Human Readable DVT address with ($jack342)
  • plus alot more smaller projects.

...Not to mention Spock is currently working on an innovative new way to aggregate transactions in a manner that could very well be a new take on privacy in crypto, but time will soon tell and the community will ultimately be in charge of voting these changes in.

Thats plenty for the intro lets get to the meat..

Here are a few helpful links to get started:

Ask a few questions in Discord:



Our Github:







Now to the cerebration!

SouthXChange Faucet

Summary: The SouthXChange faucet has been given 500,000 DVT and will be available for users to claim until funds are gone, ideally this should take a few weeks to deplete.
Find the faucet here:

SouthX + Graviex Trading Contest

Summary: 20 Winners from each exchange (Graviex & SouthXChange for a total of 40 winners) will be chosen based upon multiple metrics such as total number of trades made as well as total number of coins traded and each winner will receive 10-100k DVT as a prize at the end of the month.

Details: 1st Place on each exchange will be rewarded 100k, and each person after that will receive increments of 10,000 less, for example both 20th place winners will get 10,000 coins as the prize.

Trading Period : June 4th-July 4th

Winners: 40 total (20 per exchange)

Twitter + Discord tips

Summary: Interact with the @DeVaultCrypto account during the month of June or simply use $DVT & #DeVault and users will be randomly (not guaranteed!!) tipped in various amounts from 100-1000 DVT at for helping engage in a social media push.

Discord tips will work in the same fashion, the more active and helpful you are in Discord, the more likely you will be getting tipped or rained by various users tasked with maximizing the distribution of these tips.

Total Coins Allocated: 250,000 for Twitter + 250,000 for Discord

Hive Tips

Summary: We are working on growing our visibility and engagement on our HIVE account, a decentralized social media platform where we feel we could make a solid impact with reaching new users in an effective manner using tips to not only engage people but directly help get them involved free of cost.

Details: 500,000 coins will be distributed to various DAO members to distribute in the HIVE ecosystem from various methods such as giveaway posts, tipping people for DVT content, commenting for tips or even simply fun games designed to engage various people in many unique ways, this should ensure we don’t end up tipping the same small groups of people on all platforms.


Total Coins Allocated: 500,000

Writing Contest

Summary: We will be hosting a month long writing contest as well from June 4th - July 4th where content creators will be tipped for each article that is written and posted to one of the approved platforms, the first 10 articles will be tipped 25,000 DVT and then at the end of the month all articles will be tallied and we will pick the top 3 from the month and each person will get a share of 500,000 DVT.

Details: Articles must be posted on HIVE or Medium using #DeVault

Requirements & Rules:
Articles must be posted on HIVE or Medium.
500 words minimum.
Must be ABOUT DeVault in some manner. Whether related or directly.
3 entries per person maximum for final prize.
We reserve the right to disqualify content if it is plagiarized.

Total Coins Allocated: 750,000

Video Contest

Summary: Alongside everything else there are also a few prizes for video content during the month of June. Content creators are welcome to post any and everything they would like but the prizes will be given to people who put the most effort into a single video, not so much simply spamming content.

We would like to see content related to DeVault, general crypto knowledge, or even something fun and creative to bring attention to a certain use case, feature or even meme in the DeVault community. (you’d have to be part to find one!)

5 winners will be chosen, with the best video receiving a 250,000 DVT prize, followed by a 50,000 DVT prize for all runner up videos.

Video must be posted to either:

  • YouTube
  • LBRY

** Must be hash tagged #devault as well as provide an educational description in either the video description or in the video itself with a link to both discord and **

YOU MUST attach the provided video to the beginning or end of your video:

Total Coins Allocated: 500,000

If you have any questions about any of the above please post your questions below or find us in discord and ask there, kept these explanations short and sweet so that people could easily process all of them at once so I'm sure there will be questions.

Thank everyone who has helped grow DVT over the past year, you guys are honestly legends.

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