If you love STEEM, are a competent programmer with a bit of time, I have a wish to see our project become a reality in the steemit/condenser. In this post I have provided all the necessary information, if you need to ask me or @yabapmatt any questions we are live and well at http://steemspeak.com Discord.
Ok, let see which Einstein among us will do this!
Here is the Live Demo running: https://steembottracker.com/steemdash/?account=steem << CHECK IT OUT!
Of course this was not originally coded for condenser, and since there is condenser devs out there in Steem Land, maybe some of you can look at it and port it safe and securely to condenser and maybe we get consensus to make our wallets on steemit.com come more to... life!!
Here are the source codes, have fun with them!
Here is the source code for SteemDash: https://github.com/MattyIce/SteemDash by @yabapmatt
Here is the source code for Condenser: https://github.com/steemit/condenser by All of Us!
Your job is to make the first code work in the second code ;) If you can do it, I will reward you! Maybe others too, but I stand by my words!
I will give away $100 SBD each to the 3 first devs that come up with a solution, if it is not immediately approved maybe it will in the future. At least it is a great tool to have and to have in the right format!
Remember, Security is important, and Peer Review is important.
GateKeepers, do your due diligence as well! @timcliff, @gtg, etc... @inertia, @ned, @otherbusypeople
Alright, let us do this, make em wallets come more alive!!
A Pragmatic guy who like to make things better.
Oh and my witness is: @fyrst-witness, It has the cheapest account creation fees on the blockchain!