Just 5 followers short of 500!


Rightly they say, hold on to what you love, one day you will get what you deserve.

It's been 3 months for me on Steem with this account and I am reaching 500 follows very soon. I have got 495 followers at the time of writing this post and think will be having my 500 th follower anytime soon.

Thank you all for your support.

I am now looking forward to accelerate my contributions to the #steem ecosystem by architecting some applications on it. Being a blockchain and javascript developer I am very much impressed with what @jesta, @good-karma and many other developers are doing for the community and want to do the same.

I am currently talking with some entrepreneurs and developers about launching an application for freelancers and professionals with an aim to rewards them for their hard work and network. I want to build an application similar to linkedIn with added features of escrow contracts and measures service listing like fiverr and freelancer.com

Hope to have the application on floor very soon. It is called @steemlinked

Thanks @jatinhota for showing interest in the application and vision. Will be sharing updates regularly.

Upvote, comment and share if you like my work.

Till next time.

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