🌹🌼 Insel Mainau pt. 14 🌹🌼 picture of the day

Once was there a flower, a beautiful white little flower,
That had bloomed one Sun-kissed morning;
And shining like a pearl,
Amidst a meadow, lush and evergreen.
All day she swayed with the breeze;
Laughed with joy when Sun kissed her brow;
Danced when rain poured.

And she felt so blessed; for all she wanted was to bloom.
Never did she droop, seldom her petals got worn,
At night, she would gaze the Moon, dreamily;
Until the Moon faded and sky was lighted.

Even in a Moonless night, she would do the same,
Wishing that the stars would come down,
To sing to her sweet lullaby they sung-unheard.
Even as these delights were heavenly;
Seldom did she have any winged visitors.
Nay did she worry, anyhow.

When stars lit the night, there came a Cabbage White;
With little creamy wings, fluttering around her.
Amazed and exicted was she-
As white flower swayed and welcomed this friend.
Happy was she to bow her silvery petals,
So it perched on her soft raiment.
She smiled at the creamy-winged and swayed gently;

Suddenly, it took off,
Pushing and shaking the flower;
She trembled for a while and wondered why,
It didnot say anything;
Did it take her present, her nectar-she didnot know.
Nay did she worry about it anyhow.

Sun rose and sky was colored;
Bees buzzed along the meadow,
'Sweet smell, but tatses sour'-qouted one,
And such did our little flower heard.

She trembled for a while, but
There she stood like nothing
In the world could ever wither her petals.

White little flower swayed with breeze,
Danced with the rain.
Laughed with joy when Sun beamed,
Gazed the Moon, shining like pearl;
Slept when stars sang the lullaby.
Happy she was, always.

by Arathy Nair

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