Detroit Cops Undercover as Dealers Fight Detroit Cops Undercover as Buyers

Sometimes life is more beautiful than anyone
could have ever thought or anticipated. Take for example this story involving members of the Detroit police who were undercover as drug dealers and got into a fist fight with cops (also undercover) as people just looking to buy a little something something.

In Andover on Detroit’s east side, drugs are constant concern. Two special operations officers from the 11th precinct went undercover as dope dealers to sell their product and immediately arrest anyone who buys it. This fact was not told to members of the 12th precinct who came in to buy from them. The moment they bought, they called in back up and proceeded to try to arrest the cops in question. A violent argument then ensued, fists were flung, and one of the officers in question is in the hospital.

Apparently there’s a body cam of this incident too? Well, we can’t wait to see it.

What do you think of this ridiculous situation? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter

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