How to detox from people! ✨

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You see everywhere "detox plans, juices or meals". I think it's great if you want to clean your body from the inside out! But we need to clean other parts of our lives too. These past days I have been dealing with some problems from persons close to my heart, and I realize that I needed to make some cleaning! What about a good detoxification of people?

But first of all... Hi Stemians! How are you? Really how are you feeling? However you are at this moment, take a deep breath with me. Inhale 1, 2, 3, exhale 1, 2, 3. Repeat if you need. 💕 Now that we are more zen. Let me ask you a question. Do you have a person in your life, that after meeting with them you feel heavy or tired? Maybe you have different feelings of course, but in general, they make you feel like... like they are dementors! Do you get it? They just suck your good vibes! Haha ok, sorry I got trapped in trying to express the feeling. These persons can manifest in different forms (cousin, friend, boss, lover), and they can make you feel different feelings (sadness, insecurity, hate, weakness). Do you have someone in your life that makes you feel something like that? Think about how do you feel after hanging out for a while with them. Does the energy turn heave when you are in your living room? Do you get a bit anxious when you are driving to your job? Do you have the feeling of running out of the coffee shop if you hear another gossip?

I feel that by now you have identified that person that just drag your energy to the ground!. That is good!... just because you are one step (out of four) from our detox! The second step is to pinpoint your feeling (when you know how are you feeling, you know how to act in a conscious way)... spoiler! The third step is action! Well, this is going to be different for every situation. So I am going to prepare you for this. You need to put yourself first, you deserve respect, you are worthy, you are love. Don't let anyone shadow that beautiful light you are! Let's take another deep breath... inhale 1, 2, 3, exhale 1, 2, 3.

photo from burst.shopify

Ok, now we are ready to detox! You know how this person makes you feel, and you know you don't deserve that. So think how you can act. Maybe is a person that you just need to cut out of your life. Just get away from that friend that is always talking bad about your other friends! Or your boss cross over the line of work ethics, you quit girl! Those are examples of just quit, drop, and get away from that bad energy. What if it's a situation you can't let apart so easily, what if it's a family member, or you can't quit your job. You can confront them, talk to them and express your feelings. We all have problems, we all have bad days, but there are some people that just can't see the light. Remember, you are light, let's share our light with others. Teach them how to be more positive. How to see the glass more full than just empty. Of course is not easy, but if we try for the best, this world will get better.

I hope this helps you. I'm sharing my journey with you! As for my situation with this negative people... I decided to get away for a while to recover my energy. If I feel like getting involved in the future I will, if not I will not. I know I deserve better energy around me. Just get away from toxic vibes, and share that bright light!

Love, Paloma ✨

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