Intro to Desteni

Rummaging through the Desteni articles, I'm reminded that I have a mind and I think and emote and feel, so I am plenty to deal with. Before I used to hope something would appear or happen that would speed me through the realizations of the responsibility towards Life and I'd be basically influenced into a responsible being. That hope is fuelled by the Desteni articles, but if you consider the practical application suggested within, they even wrote it out, spelt it out for us, I am plenty to deal with. It's the only point that I have access to, if I don't master this point - which when you look deeper there's a lot of details that's missed - how can I trust myself to manage anything else if I can't take full responsibility and direct this one point myself?

Some points of information: words are all I have, all each has in this suggested process that has continued for eons of time preparing the stage for each human individually to face their illusions and the consequences in one physical reality, myself included. It's predicted in the articles that once I become equal and one with the entirety of the intricacy of the definitions of a word, I will know what to do next and I'll naturally expand in benevolence and responsibility within benevolence. Be the living word; live the words you speak, speak the words you live, and your personal journey will be untold amount of times easier and less painful and tough and rough. Be clever and not live the words, you're pitting your ego against yourself and personal world events that happen suddenly unexpectedly making you suffer and have a rough time, will have the last laugh unfortunately.

In the complete inconsistency humanity is raised in, no valid comparisons can be made between two people's process or what they're living right now. To each his/her own process. The consequence of the nature of consciousness is to copy most of what other people do, and make unique changes to the surface. But the big points like the primary motivations and the perceived lack is quite homogenous across humanity.

Examining my words that I live is not to the benefit of others or to the assistance of others. You are self-honest because you realize that your own words and actions impact in your world and that you create you. Thoughts are used to calculate, decide, and justify. When I am free from fear, judgment, all beliefs and expectations, and I see what's here, I won't need to calculate, decide, or justify: thinking will be a dated and useless tool. All that remains is your own thoughts, feelings and emotions – human beings have been left to clean their own house – everything else has been removed – thus – be the master of your own house.

I see the articles written as the main body of work Desteni as a group of people or an organization did. Every star or rich person or famous person or powerful person had a phase where they did work that solidified their reputation. Then most live off their reputation and live in seclusion in their little piece of heaven afforded by money. EQAFE today I think continues the work Desteni started, the questions Desteni asked and answered, is a little shred of proof that Desteni as the group of people running it still cares about 'the world at large in general'. These people are putting their lives, their futures, their money, intertwined with a message that nobody selfish wants to hear, but is the message that lasted over thousands of years but no one figured out how to live it. At least Desteni isn't living off its reputation in seclusion in a little piece of heaven, it's still producing in real time perspectives and support for the questions people must have asked at some point, but there has never been an organization or a product whose purpose is to answer those hard to answer life questions. In a way it's courageous to even attempt and put a recording out there for everyone to hear, what their answer is to life questions like what should be the meaning of money in my life? What role should money play in my life, what role would money play if my aim is to do what's best for everyone, and I'm part of this world of mad men called capitalism?

People that actually read the articles and have asked the questions about their own life pertaining to their own life, will understand the message does not harm their life. It harms vested interests, because its purpose is to investigate the nature and workings of a vested interest and the practical road to realizing vested interests are not benefitting anyone not even your real life. I'm separate from the negative hoo ha raised about Desteni because I read and I digest, because my purpose is to find what works for my life right now the methods to live life fully and with meaning other than self interest.

From an educated point of view where I'm confident in my vocabulary to not react to phrases and actually digest the meaning of paragraphs of information, I'm surprised Desteni on the Internet has this reaction coming from netizens. But I'm also surprised how my mom waved Desteni off as tricking people out of their money, how she also waved Bernard Poolman off as a con that's good at what he does. But time told the story, I'm applying what Bernard suggests and it's real, I'm experiencing it, it's my reality, I received support from him because I supported myself with the information he shared, my mom never supported me with information about life like Bernard did. But blame is useless.

This is Desteni 101. Don't react if you dare.

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