Why are people buried in ceramic pots in ancient Egypt?

** About three and a half thousand years BC, in Ancient Egypt there was a tradition to bury the dead in ceramic pots, these pots look like amphorae from Ancient Greece. In ceramic pots are buried most of the children, newborn and premature babies, however, there are cases when adults are buried in pots. **

** Many historians who study the culture of ancient Egypt, for a long time can not answer the reason for such a tradition. There is a presumption that the cause of burial in ceramic pots is a financial situation. Thus, the poor layers of the population who are unable to carry a funeral ceremony should bury their loved ones in ceramic pots. However, I continue to study this rite, the scientists come to the conclusion that this opinion is wrong, told about it in the journal. **

Ancient Egyptian pots are made of ceramic, is a very expensive food. Another interesting fact is that the words "mother's womb" and "pot" have the same sound and identical hieroglyphics. The results of which the researchers expressed the opinion that it is a kind of appearance, and an unusual burial because of the financial situation. Most likely the pot represents the mother's womb. Thus, this ritual is a way of communication between the other world and the ancient Egyptian world

To advance this theory, archaeologists drew attention to one of the images in the tomb, dedicated to ritual dances. The inscription on this wall symbolizes "pan", "egg" and "secret birth". After that, the scientists came to the conclusion that burial in a ceramic pot, something other than a ritual, symbolizes the mother's womb.

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