Military sailors from the former Soviet Union, as well as other countries, reported on many occasions about UFO sighting. Paul Stonehill, author of "UFOs in Soviet documents" illustrates that Soviet officers, veterans who served on nuclear submarines of the Northern Fleet, were openly talking about how during acoustic dives repeatedly discovered unidentified submarines, which seemed to pursue them. "The arbitrary persecutors changed their speed, significantly exceeding the speed of any submarine that existed at that time in the world," - said Stonehill.

In December 1977, near one of the islands in the Arctic Ocean, the crew of a Soviet fishing trawler Vasily Kiselev reported on the vertical takeoff of unidentified objects from underwater. According to Stonehill, the shape is round, diameter, according to the fisherman, 1000-1600 feet. "He climbed to a height of three miles." The trawler radar instantly failed and within three hours it hovered over this zone and then disappeared.

during training in the Pacific, US Navy sailors saw an unidentified flying object (UFO) in the sky. American journalists spread information referring to US Navy representatives.

After the discovery of the object, the exercise order contacted the NASA agent to track the further trajectory of the object flight.
NASA actually managed to detect with the help of hot trail satellites of unidentified flying objects.
Further object movement can not be traced.
According to one version, he managed to teleport.
When the facility is being checked, the movement of planes over the Pacific Ocean is stopped.

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