I AM BACK! And the "Design A Character Contest" will be back too soon! :D


Hey Guys!

Long time no see 😉
Hope you guys are good!
Did you miss me?!
I missed you all!

As many of you know, I had a veeeerry busy and exciting time.

I married my beloved girl on May the 12th and it was such a great Wedding-Party.
We had awesome weather conditions and a looot of fun!
And @cowgummi was the best groomsman ever 🤗

The Family! :)

The day after the wedding, we were already on our way to Thailand -
HONEYMOON for 2 weeks!
3 days Bangkok for some Party (and some Insects for dinner 😝) and the rest of the time at Koh Chang, a wonderful Island to the south-east of Bangkok!
It was such an exciting yet romantic time! 😍
(If some of you are interessed, I am thinking about making a post about the wedding and the honeymoon with some great photos!)

Koh Chang - Lonley Beach

Koh Chang - Long Beach (Our honeymoon was awesome - if you like to see more pics, tell me in the comments)

Since 1st of July I´m back in Austria, and sadly had a lot to catch up with (mostly work and cleaning our Apartment from the wedding-stuff 😋).
Last week I got sick, laying in Bed the whole week 😷

But now things are slowly getting back to normal,
and I try to find my way back into Steemit-Life!
I´ve missed so many great posts and artworks... There´s a lot of work to do the next days!

How are you guys doing? Is life treating you well?
I´ll be happy to hear your stories! 😃

Also I´m planing to revive the #designacharacter Contest.
Hope you are still in the mood to design some great Characters! 😀
(Oh and I just realized - I still have to pay out last contest winners! 😮)

Big shoutout to @zneeke and @niko3d
for keeping the #designacharacter Discord Server alive and running.
And thanks to @fraenk and @paps
for keeping in contact via discord, even if I was not active on steemit!

You guys rock!

Thats it for now!
See you soon!

Have a nice day and steem on!



Our Discord Channel has already grown to a great community of artists and Art-Lovers!
So why wait? Just join in the fun! :D

Join our #designacharacter discord server!


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