DESIGN A CHARACTER CONTEST - Week 8 - Stimpy as a Digimon evolution line

Hello Steemians!

Today I want to share with you a design I created for @W0olf's Design a Character Contest.

For this week, we had to reimagine a given character into something else.

I picked Stimpy, from Ren and Stimpy.

I always thought this was supposed to be a dog, but Wikipedia told me otherwise when I did my research for this. . Credit: Ren and Stimpy wiki.

I tried to take a fun spin on this one and... in the end, I ended up making a Digimon... and then I thought I couldn't make just one, I had to make the complete evolution line, at least from baby to champion.

And that's how I turned Stimpy into three different Digimon at once.

At first I drew my champion-stage Digimon. I liked the pose and all so I used it as my base drawing.

After that I sketched the other two stages I had in mind. I had to adjust the designs in the final drawing to make them more "Digimon like", as the shape of the eyes and that stuff wasn't quite right. Nonetheless, it was a good starting point.

After some adjustments, I came up with the final lineart.

After I was happy with my concept I colored and painted shadows in a really simple manner, because that's how most Digimon artwork is. Obviously, I tried to keep the color palette Stimpy already had going on.

And... done! Or so I thought.

I woke up with the sudden realization that I kind of hated it so I modified the coloring. Adding more light and changing some stuff.

You can see it more clearly in this gif:

And now it's done!


Hi! Thanks for checking out this post. I honestly suffered all the way through it. Yesterday night I had no internet... so I thought to myself "well, I can always post in the morning, that's okay".

But it wasn't okay.

When I woke up I told myself "This is kind of awful" so I went and modified the coloring. But then, the lights went out. I forgot to save my progress and I lost all of the changes I made. It was a terrible experience.

Kids, don't forget to save your artwork all the time.

Luckily, I still managed to finish in time.

Anyways, this contest was a fun challenge to exercise my creativity. I find it fun to see how you can modify the concept of already existing characters in the most creative manner. For example, I turned Stimpy's signature strands of hair into horns to make it more Digimonesque.

Did you guys like the end result? Tell me what you think!

Enjoy your sunday.

EdenCI out!

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