Bounty Contest: Design our Logo. $540 or 300 STEEM Reward

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The steemit community has many talented members and we are looking for a logo. So we decided to see if the steem-bounty logo can be designed by you, the Steem members, instead of going to a separate design studio.

The Objective

Design a logo that we can use for our steem-bounty account and website which we are in the process of building. If you win, you give us the right to use this logo (if you do not want to do that please do not participate).

Submit your design by posting a picture of your logo as a top level(important) comment.

You can submit several logos if you want.

How does this work?

We will use our bounty system to crown and reward the winner. There will be a 300 STEEM bounty on this post (worth about $540 currently) and the upvotes of the submissions will determine who is the winner. The upvotes from the bounty creator will have higher weight than the upvotes from the community for this purpose. 80% of the bounty payout will be determined by the votes of the bounty creator and 20% by the community votes.

What is steem-bounty

Steem-bounty is a project, steem account and witness run by @famunger and @knircky that will bring a bounty application to the steem blockchain. A bounty is money you can send to a post which will then be given to the top level comments as an incentive when the post is being paid out (7 days after its creation). 80% of the distribution is thereby determined by the upvotes of the bounty creator(s) and the rest by the upvotes of the steem community. Bounties will work in SBD and STEEM.

How the bounties work is explained here:

Support our witness

Thank you very much for your attention and we hope you will vote for us as witness!

In order to do soyou can go to:

And enter the "steem-bounty" account into the text field and click vote.
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Or use steem-connect to vote directly for us as Steem witness!

Thank you for your attention


Some users have posted some questions and we wanted to publish the answers here in the spirit of fairness:

  • Deadline of submition and exact date of rewards payout.
    a: We will vote on the results on the 6. day after the main post was published. The payout will happen automatically on the 7. day, after the post has been paid out.
  • How close do you want to be to Steem brand? Colors?
    a: this is up to you. We don't have any color scheme yet and in fact may adapt the color scheme to the logo after this contest. Notice that re-using or altering the steemit logo is not allowed.
  • Can you explain the main benefits of your bot?
    Imagine if you want to ask the world a question, but nobody wants to go throu the hassle of answering you. This is where the bounty comes in. With it you can reward the people that answer you. Think about this contest. Would you sit down and go to the effort of designing a logo without reward? Bounties allow us to unleash the creativity of the internet and get people rewarded for their knowledge and skills.
  • I expect website not to be up yet. Do you have some website you like for inspiration? The style.
    a: Nope, you can design it any way you want.
  • Do you want logo with symbol or jsut logotype (styled text)
    a: either way would qualify, but I think a logo symbol would be a nice thing to have
  • Can users get some feedback on their work before officialy posting it?
    a: You can contact us, via the post or connect with us via social media or steemit chat. We would also suggest to post a seperate steemit post with you logo submission (and link to it in your comment) so that we can upvote this post and also interact with you there.
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