Are you a collapse designer ?

What is a collapse designer ?

It is a mindset not a design trend. It is momentum on a scenario to a better world. Our society created so much interesting stuff, but it's absolutely not sustainable anymore ! Our culture has to evolve and designers are politically and ethically responsible.

We can't continue to help companies which create better products or services only to make money, or to get data to sell ! Our tomorrow world is deeper and more conscious. People need meaning and to get out of bed with a vision ! We all need to feel useful !

Designers to change the world ?

Actually, we are making the world simpler to use. That's great ! Especially for companies which want to create trust with there "customers"... Tomorrow, the word "customer" will disappear ! We are humans, nothing less, nothing more. Humans need water, fresh food, warm bed to sleep, friends and creativity. this is life. It's not to spend days at work, to do a job that makes us mad, or to get money to have more. More quality, more quantity, more materials, more experiences, more, more, more... More is killing us!
We need enough. Thit is our job as designers: helping people to have enough and to live in our shared reality with fluidity and ease.

A vision of the world after its collapse.

It is not Life that will collapse : it is our society, and us ! Is it a reassuring point for you ? What to do to survive ? We have to design a totally different society, with new models and concepts. We have to remember : nobody knows why we are living here ! We are just here because we ARE. And it's enough. To live to explore life, it's enough.

It is our job, collapse designers ! To make people work together for a new common reality. A new way of living, of feeling, fluidified and collaborative. A world where "trust" isn't a problem anymore, transparency as a basic ! Life is a game, we have to free us all ! We are all players, everybody want to play !

Time to design to change our reality. Time to design to free humans from our old system dying. Time to design to create a beautiful game for all of us !

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