If you're with your girlfriend and she tells you a significant amount of times that she is feeling depressed and just wants to go home you should probably respect that if for no other reason than it's the right thing to do and shows that you care....you absolutely should not continue pressuring her to do what it is that you want to do. Depression is awful and if someone is experiencing that then they should absolutely be listened to. Now I'll be honest...I have no idea if the girl in this conversation deals with depression on a significant level the way I and I'm sure many of you do but that being said at this particular moment this girl was very visibly upset to the point of tears and this guy was being a butt. (her words not mine) At one point this guy had the nerve to try and accuse her of cheating and grab her phone out of her hands....like BOY. I was low key wanting to start throwing fists cause this girl was CUTE and clearly deserved better than the pathetic ass loser she was with. That being said....don't ever ever EVER invalidate your partner's depression,mental illness, concerns ect...shit don't invalidate anyone's depression,mental illness,concerns ect ever. It's not okay nor will it EVER be okay. Love and respect those you care about and look after each other end rant and mic drop.

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