Anthony Bourdain Suicide - I'm Crying - Depression is On The Rise

Anthony Bourdain found dead after Hanging himself in his hotel Room in France, He was 61.

Anthony was a world famous CNN corespondent, known for traveling across oceans and sampling all of the finest things the globe has to offer. His award winning shows "No Reservations" and "Parts Unknown" gave people all over the world a glimpse into the lives of people in some of the most remote destinations on earth. He was a renowned chef, a father, and a friend to many I'm certain. I'm crying because I personally was a fan. I watched as he sampled foods from one of my dream destinations and proclaimed " I will sail to Greece with this beautiful man one day." I didn't mean Beautiful in a lustful way ha, although he was gorgeous haha, I meant tho that he had this radiant spirit about himself that just embraced everyone, he embraced the natives whose food he cuddled like a new born babe, he embraced the audience who he pulled in with his strong chin, dashing good looks, puppy dog eyes, well spring of knowledge and delicate but firm approach to information that he desperately seemed to want to relay to you in a way that would make you understand that the grape leaves in Greece actually were authentically the best. The gracefulness of who he was as a man just pulled you in and kept you wanting to hear more of his journeys round about the map.

It is most important above all else to use this opportunity to remember not only the great works of his legacy, but to shed light on the staggering increase of suicide in our nation. Suicide has gone up 30% in the last few years and that is a beyond alarming statistic!! With the suicides of such wealthy, popular and seemingly Have-it-all elites like Hollywood Royalty Bourdain, Kate Spade, Robin WIlliams, and the many "questionable" overdoses that may or may-not have been intentional, the question is getting asked if the so called Haves are miserable what chance have we "have-nots" got? As I discussed in one of my recent articles, where I talked about the suicide of high fashion designer Kate Spade worth over 90 Million Dollars at the time of her death, it is the idea of many that money can buy happiness, sadly it can not. If your interested in the topic that article is a great read (if I do say so myself)! Briefly reiterating however often Depressions a chemical issue in the brain and no amount of money can fix that. While some are blaming Opiods which indeed affect brain chemistry, so does the rise in alcohol abuse and illicit drug use, Yes Pot heads even Marijuana can be a trigger for throwing the delicate brain chemistry off. And what about Social Media and the over consumption of television, the Netflix binge and such.... sigh*... so much research yet to be done.

The Important thing to remember is if your feeling low consider all the people who would be hurting in the wake of your loss, all the moments you would miss, all the monument s you would never build, and all the life that would go on sadly without you. Consider that sadness if not fleeting, can be treated privately:
THE SUICIDE PREVENTION HOTLINE 1-800-273-TALK is completely anonymous, they just want to hear you out. You can also talk to your family, friends, doctor, or even go to the emergency room where they can really help you can back on track just SAY SOMETHING. Suffering in silence is the worst thing you can do. And If you notice a friend withdrawing from social events, talking suicidal, losing interest in their passions, Say something draw closer don't pull away. Lastly If you know you struggle with low feelings Refrain from drugs and alcohol at all cost it is the worst thing for people with depression, it causes people without depression to wrestle with demons. Rest In Paradise Anthony you will be so painfully missed. We will sail to Greece in another Life my friend.

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