DeNet: The Future of the Internet Through Decentralization

The internet has been something that cannot be overlooked and it's also a part of our daily life that we can’t even imagine life without it. The internet gives lot of information and lot of opportunity. This gives rise to daily use of internet and increases the number of websites that are out there feeding the world with information. These websites cannot work until there is a space for them to store their data and information, if each website owner is to create server for their use it will be too costly for them, because traditional server storage is costly and there is high demand for website with every business also having a site, there is need for more storage spaces at affordable prices, this calls for the cloud storage and web hosting.

Cloud storage is a model of data storage in which the digital data is stored in logical pools, the physical storage spans multiple servers (and often locations), and the physical environment is typically owned and managed by a hosting company.

A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web. Web hosts are companies that provide space on a server owned or leased for use by clients, as well as providing Internet connectivity, typically in a data center.
Most times these online storage spaces are not secure and most users overpay for storage spaces. Information can be leaked on the cloud, this happens because it is always a centralized server and hackers know where to fight. Also, most people who buy cloud storage space end up using only 20% of the space leaving over 80% unused.


DeNet is a completely decentralized data storage & web hosting service. We are targeting at building a new decentralized network for providing and leasing IT capacities for hosting, storing and processing of data all over the world. DeNet aspires to become an ‘on-demand’ infrastructure decentralized platform which is secure, cheap and of high-quality. Our goal is to correct the fundamental inefficiency of the web hosting market, related to the non-use of free computing power, which can be used within the framework of sharing economy concept. Therefore, bringing revenue to their owners and solving the client requests much cheaper and for a number of tasks with higher quality than traditional centralized storages.

Denet is offering a decentralized data storage that is safe and secure it will also offer user the ability to lease out their unused space on the DeNet server.


The economics of the DeNet platform has a digital settlement unit — a DNET token. Token DNET developed on the standard ERC-20 on the Ethereum blockchain. The ERC-20 standard defines a set of rules that must be followed in order for a token to be accepted and to be able to connect with other tokens on the network. The tokens are blockchain assets that can be valuable, and can also be sent and received like any other cryptocurrency. Unlike other cryptocurrencies like bitcoin or Litecoin, ERC-20 tokens are tied to Ethereum, use its network address format and are being sent using Ethereum transactions. Accordingly, transactions with ERC-20 tokens can be tracked in block Viewer.
Token details

PreICO Price1 DNET = 0.035 USD
Price1 BTC = 285,714 DNet
AcceptingBTC, ETH, BCH, ETH
Soft cap3,000,000 USD
Hard cap24,500,000 USD




Thanks for reading I’m Samkol on

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